Chapter 6

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(Bumblebee's POV)

~Bumblebee's Dream~

I look around and I was back at the battle where Knockout was killed. I look to my right and find Knockout on the ground holding his wound. 


I run over to where he was, but I was too late because Megatron was there faster than I was.

"Well... well looks like your Brother was here but he is too late to save you now!"

Megatron raised up his sword.

" NO!!" I run even faster to get to him, but I wasn't quick enough to stop Megatron from killing him again. Megatron laughed as he watched me fall to my knees. 

"looks like you weren't fast enough bug... I would kill you now but since you lost your brother, I'll let you suffer for now." he said, "bye, bye" he changed into his jet and flew off.

I sat crying while staring at Knockout's dead body.

"Why did you let me die"

"What?" I looked around me and found Knockout's ghost figure right next to me.

"Why didn't you save me?!"

"I-I couldn't get to you fast enough"

"YOU LET ME DIE!! I thought we were brothers, but I guess I was wrong, YOU BETRAYED ME!"

I start crying a lot and brought my knees to my chest 

"I'm sorry" I repeated over and over.

~End of Bumblebee's Dream~ 

I woke up with a jolt, and looked around my room. 'it was just a dream... a terrifying dream' I thought. I move off of my berch and walk out of my room. 'what time is it?' I walk into the main room and find Ratchet in the comm area. 

"Hey Ratchet"

He jumped a little and turned to me

"jeez Bumblebee, you almost gave me a heart attack,"

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you"

"It's fine... how are you feeling?"

"I feel fine today"

"That's good"

He turns back to the computer.

"what are you looking for?"

"I'm for a Relic that can be useful for battle and to keep it out of Megatron's hands,"

"Okay well I better get going, I have to pick up Raf"

I Morph into my mustang car and rev up my engine.

"Okay be careful"

"I will," I said as I zoomed out of the base. 

~at Raf's house~

I pull up to Raf's house and honked twice. I see him open the front door and walk out to my car. I opened the passenger door and let him in.

"Hey Bee" Raf said excitedly.

"Hey Raf, ready for school?"

"yes, I am"

"Okay lets go then"

I rev up my engine and pull out onto the road and go about 40 mph down the road. 


Okay thats where I'm ending it, thanks for reading, and I hope you like this chapter bye guys!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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