Chapter 2

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   I woke up the next day to tell my team what Megatron is up to next, so I get ready then the alarm goes off waking everybody up. We run out of our berch rooms and into the main room. "Ratchet, what do we have?" " An energon cave and the deception's are there".

   "okay, Ratchet ready the ground bridge" he nodded and walked over to the ground bridge switch. "autobots transform and roll out!" we transform and drove through the ground bridge. There was a lot of energon everywhere, I saw deceptions and I was looking for knockout to see if he was okay and not hurt. 

  We stared at each other for a while until Megatron came into view. "Welcome autobots! what a surprise to see you here" he said with a little bit of sarcasm. "this ends here Megatron!" "are you Optimus? because I not think it will" he with a evil smile.  "you see Optimus, I have plans to keep a promise, and your scout does to!" he said while pointing at me. 

 HOW DID WE KNOW?! I looked at knockout he had the same look on his face. I was still questioning myself. "what are you talking about Megatron?" "you mean he didn't tell you? well Optimus he has a brother and-" "how did you know?!" " its every easy bug, as I was staying his brother is knockout" I looked at knockout and he was staying back.

  I have him the looked of 'get out of there' kind, and he understood. He ran and jumped off the edge of the ship. and transformed, I was running to him, to protect him from Megatron, and he transformed back. We ran and ran until we hugged each other. We stopped hugging, "YA WERE BROTHERS MEGATRON SO WHAT?!" " he was a traitor to the deception!" "YA THAT WAS OUR PLAN! WE TRICKED YOU SO ME AND HIM WOULD MEET UP AND HE WOULD TELL ME INFORMATION ABOUT WHERE YOU GUYS WERE GOING NEXT!" "GRRR... GET THEM!" 

  Then cons came, me and knockout stand by each other to protect each others backs. Then we heard jets we looked up and saw Megatron coming down to join the fight. Me and Knockout looked at each other and the cons went to go fight the others.

 While me and knockout fought Megatron, "hehe... this is going to be easy" he drawled his sword and started to charge at us. We got into fighting position, I got my shooters out, and he got his saw out. We started to attack him, and some more cons joined the fight.

 I was taking care of the cons while Knockout to care of Megatron.


  Me and Bumblebee were fighting Megatron until more cons came to join in the fight. So I was fighting Megatron, and Bumblebee was fighting the cons. I was throwing punches and he was trying to hit me with his sword. I went to throw a punch, but he caught my punch and threw me hard. I look up to see him gong to stabbed my brother.

 I hurry up and run to protect him, I jump in front of him and I felt pain in my chassis. I look down to see energon on his sword. He takes it out and I fall to the ground, my vison is starting to get blurry and the voices around me are to faint to hear. I feel someone pick up my face I look up at him and I see tears coming out of his eyes.

 "don't leave me you hear me don't leave me alone!" "b-brother... y-you know.... this... this is the end... of me... I-I can see the light..." "NO WALK AWAY FROM THE LIGHT!" " goodbye... brother... I love you.." then I couldn't feel anything or hear anything. 

 I love you brother take care.


 "knockout... KNOCKOUT! NONONONO I FAILED YOU!" I cried and cried I hugged his body to death. "knockout don't leave me alone" "bumblebee he's gone" "I know" I cried, " its time to go bumblebee" I picked him up and carried him in my arms.

 Megatron is going to pay!


okay im going to leave it there so sweet dreams and goodnight okay BYE!!!


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