23 - you love me most

Start from the beginning

"Mail?" That stole Beam's attention.

Forth's secretary nodded. She then proceeded to tell him the story of the yellow envelope that he received earlier, how it bothered Forth for days and what he did to get it back from the courier.

"That stupid dumpling." Beam uttered with tears in his eyes. Not knowing if he should laugh or cry. He wished Forth would have just told him but he knew his husband too well to not to be so upfront with something this serious specially if it threatens their relationship.

Everyone snickered at his remark, finally lightening up the mood. Beam ordered Forth's employees to go home. He thanked them for immediately coming to Forth's aid.

A few minutes more in waiting when Ming tapped Beam's shoulder as he points to the doctor who he assumes would have been the one who responded to his husband situation.

The doctor looked at him. Beam could tell that there's hesitation in his eyes. He waited for him to say something but the doctor only gave him a sympathetic smile.

"You're uhh.. the patient's family?" He asked Beam.

"I'm the husband." Beam answered firmly.

His face brightened up when he heard the confirmation from Beam.

"Oh. Then you must be Beam. The patient kept on saying your name before we applied medication. He's stable now. No concussion, or any severe injury. His left knee suffered the impact of the fall. We have already taken care of it."

"He's gonna be okay?" Beam voice broke. He was relieved as if a heavy stone was lifted off his chest. Nothing else mattered. Not the mail he received. Nothing mattered but Forth's safety.

"Your husband is going to be just fine. He's being transferred to room 226. I'll accompany you." On their way the doctor advised Beam that Forth would have to stay for a couple of days in the hospital to avoid any sudden movement on his knee.

When they entered the room, Forth was half awake. His eyes half hooded and it seemed like he's been fighting off the urge to sleep. Beam immediately went to his side and held his hands.

Forth tossed to his right harshly. He grunted from the throbbing pain on his knee. He looked at Beam, dreamily.

"Hey.. I'm here." Beam sat on the side of the bed as he continues on caressing Forth's hand

"Who are you?" Forth wiggled their entangled hands.

It was as if time stopped for Beam.

"Did the doctor sent you?" Forth's voice resembled that of a drunk person.

Beam gave the doctor a confused look.

"He's still heavily sedated. We gave him a strong dose of medication for the pain. It will wear off in about an hour or two." The doctor explained. For a second Beam was afraid that Forth was suffering from amnesia or something of that nature. He returned his attention to Forth who was now smiling at him with droopy eyes.

"Man, you are an eye candy." Forth slurred his words. Beam had a smile behind his lips.

"Are you a model?" He asked Beam.

Beam heard a snicker behind him.

"No. I'm your husband." He answered as if he was talking to a child. His voice surprisingly steady.

"You're my husband? Wow. I am so lucky." Forth giggled until a confused look washed across his face.

"How long have we been married?" Forth garbled on his words like a baby.

"Long enough. Get some sleep." Beam kissed the back of Forth's hand.

"I am so lucky. You're an eye candy. Turn around for me."

Beam felt his blood gathered up his face as he heard the snicker from behind him gets gradually louder.

"Let me squeeze.. your ass." Forth gestured a squeezing motion with his other hand.

"Come on guys. Let's give them the room. They obviously need it." Kit said. Everyone chuckled as they made their exit.

If Forth wasn't laying on the hospital bed and heavily sedated Beam would have slapped the living daylights out of him. He was now embarrassed to even turn to their friends behind him. He's certain they're going to make fun of his situation later on.

"Forth shut it." He whispered to Forth.

"I wanna squeeze.. I promise I won't squeeze.. it that.. hard." Forth was now whining. Little by little, the drowsiness was taking over him.

"You are so beautiful." Forth brought their  hands to his chest and held on to him tighter, his eyes finally closing to sleep. His breathing becoming steady in every passing minute.

Beam sighed in relief as he brushed Forth's hair away. He kept on combing through his hair. Beam knew how Forth liked it. He leaned closer and left a gentle kiss on his husband's forehead.

The longer he stared at Forth the more his tears threatened to fall. Beam could not put into words how indebted he is with fate for not taking his Forth away from him. The fear from losing Forth today was now gone. Beam was simply grateful.

"You made me worry today for so many things." Beam was tired but he wouldn't dare leave Forth's side.

"Don't ever do this ever again. Okay?" He asked softly, knowing that Forth was deep in his sleep.

"I love you.."

And surprisingly, even in his slumber, even with the heavy dose of medication running through his veins, Forth managed to utter his words.

"I love you too.."

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