EXTRA 3 ~ sick day

Start from the beginning

"I'm coming with you." Nagini hissed as she wrapped herself around her Master's neck. "Last time I saw somebody tell another that they were ill in this Manor, I saw them being put under the Entrail Expelling Curse. I want to see if history repeats itself."

"You seriously think Rose is going to put me under an Entrail Expelling Curse?" Voldemort asked with a raised eyebrow and disbelieving tone.

Nagini looked thoughtful. "I guess not." She admitted. "Bellatrix has not taught Rose the Entrail Expelling Curse yet. I guess the Castration Charm is much more likely."

------> 0o0 <------

"Rose, drink the potion," Marvolo ordered, his voice serious.

Rose looked at the gross looking potion in his hand before simply replying, "No, thank you."

"I did not ask. Drink the potion."

"And I do not like repeating myself. No, thank you." She replied firmly.

"Rose," Marvolo said with a deep breath as his patience thinned. "Do not disobey me. Do you know who I am?"

"You don't even know who you are?" Rose asked in a sympathetic tone. "Did somebody obliviate you?"

'Do not harm her, she is your Horcrux. Do not harm her, she is your Horcrux.' Marvolo thought on repeat before counting to ten excruciatingly slowly in his mind.

"Rose," Marvolo started sweetly, as he stood in front of her form, looking directly into her eyes. He was slightly bending down as the top of her head was coming up to just below his eyes. "You will drink the potion I have in my hand willingly, or I will imperious you to do so. Choose wisely."

Rose gave him a sugar-coated smile as well. "And how, Marvolo, are you planning to imperious me without your wand?"

Marvolo frowned, confused. "My wand?"

Rose stepped back about two feet before revealing a Yew wand in her hand. "The trick to pick-pocketing is eye contact." She commented casually, as she twirled his beloved wand. "You need to also be able to distract the person and have light fingers. Handy trick, isn't it? Dudley and I used to do it all the time when we had to nick a few pounds from mum's purse after she refused to buy us chocolates. Something about a diet, if I remember correctly."

"Give me my wand back." Marvolo hissed.

"Promise me that you will not force me to drink those god awful potions in any way, form, or shape." Rose negotiated. "Until then, your wand will be in the custody of Nagini."

It was then that Tom Riddle realised that Nagini had long slithered away from him and had gone to Rose's side. He watched as Rose handed Nagini the wand, and Nagini coiled herself around it tightly. He gave Nigini a look of betrayal, and he could have sworn that Nagini shrugged in reply.

"Traitor." He hissed to Nagini.

"I believe the correct term is mutiny." Nagini hissed pleasantly.

Marvolo looked at both of them with fury. He knew that neither of them would really hurt his wand. They just needed leverage. Tom Riddle decided that he was going to play fire with fire. If Rose Potter decided that she wasn't sick (which was utter hippogriff dung. She was -quite literally- burning), then Tom was going to treat her as such.

He was not going to care. Not like he did in the first place. Honestly, the only reason her illness even minutely concerned him was due to her being his Horcrux.

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