Ch.4: Kitchen Mayhem

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(Don't own photo)

Edited: 8/13/21

Glancing at the Elevator buttons you noticed he had gotten a few of them, "B1, one(1), two(2), three(3) and five(5)." 

You quickly walked out of the elevator glancing around the room, noticing pictures of Luigi and a picture of the floors that the elevator went to. You slowly counted up noticing the Eleventh floor was a swirly square, or that's what you assumed. You cautiously walked around the corner checking to see if any ghosts were around, once you made sure it was clear you began walking to the door at the end of the walkway. The door was shining a golden color with a fork and spoon crossing an 'X' over the door.

You felt excitement rush through you, walking through the door hearing the clicking sound of it shutting behind you. Looking down the corridor you noticed the red carpet, and the paintings on the wall, and a large door at the other end of the hallway. You looked at the door to your right pondering on whether to check each room or go to the golden door, after awhile you decided to go the the golden door knowing you'd much rather see Luigi than what these rooms had to offer.
Halfway down the hall you noticed a mini hallway across the a door on your left, you glanced down now noticing bathrooms and suddenly you felt a wave of discomfort. You glanced back at the golden door before quickly running to the bathroom, once you did you jiggled the door to the women's only to have it locked which brought a surge of fear. In a few quick strides you stumbled into the men's restroom and into a stall.
You felt your cheeks flush as you washed your hands feeling embarrassed at your sudden need to use the restroom, once you finished drying your hands you quickly walked toward the door only to hear a stall bathroom flush, you swore these weren't electric seeing as how you had to flush yours. You stood still for a minute until a blue shimmering ghost came out from the stall next to the one you used, feeling your cheeks heat up again the ghost looked at you then slowly you watched it's own blue face turn a brighter hint of blue. You let out a sigh deciding on catching it. Cautiously you reached for your flashlight, watching as his white orbs caught your hand sneaking toward it. The ghost let out a screech before trying to get away,. You jumped feeling it rumble your ear drum but not long after you were already trying to suck it into the vacuum, 

"You come into the men's restroom impolitely and decide to catch me in your vacuum!? So unladylike!" You slammed it against the floor feeling more embarrassed while your face was still a dark red, "S-Shut up!" 

Once you yelled that he was sucked into the vacuum, you felt it shake violently before a jewel came flying out. You let out a loud sigh covering your face with your free hand trying to calm your racing heart and blushing face. You reach down and put the jewel in your pocket before storming out of the bathroom. You gave another sigh letting out a frustrated groan, wishing you didn't have to use the bathroom and that whole situation could've been avoided.

You came to a halt at the golden double doors. You reached for the handle letting out a grumble, you glanced at a sign by the door noticing it as a menu for the nights special. Walking in you were smacked in the face with the scent of bread, meat, sweets and cheese. You took a big whiff letting out a moan letting the doors close behind you. You noticed a counter with papers and menus. Next to the counter sat the menu you seen outside, you gave note to the blue chairs. You glanced around seeing fruits and baguettes above the coat hangers, you let your nose guide you to the dinning area. There you seen a basket full of pretzels and bread atop a counter, next to it sat an assortment of fruits. On a platter there was a red lobster still steaming, next to the lobster sat an assortment of cheese, there were so many foods to eat and just looking at them made your mouth swell with saliva. Before you could reach for a piece of bread you heard crashes coming from the kitchen door beside you, you glanced around noticing all the table and nothing out of the ordinary.
Letting out a frustrated sight you stomped over to the kitchen door, once you reached it you jiggled the door handle only for it to be held shut. Suddenly you felt your body tense at a memory from when you and Luigi were going through a large exhibit mansion which made you start to bang on the door. The adrenaline in your body made your slamming shoulder quickly burst through the door. Once you did you stumbled in and onto the floor landing on something,  just as you looked up you heard a groan from said thing, and the door closing behind you. You looked down seeing you landed on a ghost, this one was orange with a chefs hat and attire. Your nostrils filled with the scent of cooked fish and different spices. Without any warning you stumbled back letting out a squeak quickly pushing your body back and into a rack full of vegetables that landed beside you. You swiftly shielded your eyes hearing a familiar charging sound as a light flashed, then the sound of a vacuum whirling and a few curses being thrown from the chefs mouth, the room fell silent until you were smacked in the face with a metal object.

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