Ch.10: Forgotten Memories

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This wasn't your idea to just waltz right back into the Haunted Towers by yourself. No one would have such a crazy idea, expect for one tiny Professor. That professors name happened to be E. Gadd, of course he knew you could handle yourself . He watched you through the few cameras littered around these spooky places, and yet he didn't happen to notice Luigi was also walking around in case you got yourself in a dangerous situation. So here you were, trying to investigate why there was so much ghostly activity even after Luigi and you had collected the Dark Moon piece.

The place was much brighter, however there did appear to be mysterious amethyst glowing flowers blooming about the towers. It was taking a lot of time for you to find the source, getting mixed between one large vine to the next. E. Gadd was no help, only being able to see through very few cameras, due to the vines growing around them. You had gotten yourself lost a few times, and you luckily were able to pace yourself back. You didn't know how long you were running in circles for but when you made your second round you were met with the pleasant scent of honey and the smallest hint of rose.
Your heart dropped, the Poltergust 3000 rattled slightly as your stood your ground inside the flourished purple lilies, it was absolutely stunning if it wasn't for the sudden creaking and breath taking chills rolling up your spine. You felt your face beginning to burn from the frosty air around you, each breathe in made you want to gasp for air and each breath out was smokey and obscured your vision. The lilies swayed back and forth around you, the flowers scrapping against the glass pane only made the atmosphere grow colder, as a sudden chill slowly traced itself down your entire back.

"Come out already, I know your there." Your voice was stern, annoyance and displeasure laced in your vocals.

A small breeze from behind you passed through your hair. A low cackle was heard as you turned around, catching a purple glow moving around the corner. Unknown to you the flowers began to pulse, each movement you made through them made small glowing particles fall from them.

"H-Hey!" You had nearly tripped as you stumbled through the flowers, hoping not to squash any of them in your rush to follow the glowing purple light. However the particles followed close behind you as you rounded the corner, coming face to face with a large Boo. The sudden rush of adrenaline triggered your flight or fight response, the rev of the poltergust vibrated through the room. And just before you could even come close to using your poltergust the small purple particles flew in front of you, shrouding your vision in its beauty. It completely caught you off guard as you stumbled back, swatting away all of the orbs as they seemed to only trap you deeper within their light.

"Hello My Dear." It's voice was cold, making the atmosphere around you lift for only a second as he appeared before you.

Instead of a Boo you were surprised to see an actual human entity. His glowing purple eyes were brighter than the orbs surround him, and they made your body freeze up as you choked on air. If you were being honest he was breath taking, quite literally. His sharp fanged smile could've brought you to your knees if he hadn't slowly placed his cold gloved hands upon the top of your hand, slowly pulling the flashlight gently from your grasp. The slight click signaled he had placed the hose back into its holster, slowly gliding his hand across your shoulder and down toward your hand once again.

"You are quite lovely." His voice echoed in your ears, a low hum radiated in his chest.

He still had your hand within his grasp, and instead of pulling you in he slowly leaned down. His purple orbs locked with your widened (e/c) eyes, he didn't break eye contact as he flashed you a toothy smile.

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