~Chapter 9

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Johnny's PoV-

"No!" I hear people screaming and it's the last thing I remember before blacking out. The next time I open my eyes, I have no idea where I am. I'm on my stomach and it's not a comfortable position, but from what I can see is that I've been strapped onto the bed. I try to shift my legs but I can't feel them. Carefully I turn so I can sort of see them out of the corner of my eye, I notice both legs, all the way up to my waist is in a cast. When I lean back down, a sharp pain shoots through my spine. The moment I moan, a nurse comes in to check up on me, asking if I want to take a pain medicine. I turn down her offer the first five times before the pain becomes excruciating and I can't take it anymore. 

"You have guests, Mr. Cade." The nurse tells me from behind. I don't answer her and wait for my visitors to come into my sight.

"Hey, Johnny." I hear Sam say gently to me. She pulls the chair in the corner up to my cot before she speaks again. "How are you feeling?" I try to move my legs again, but the results aren't showing any source of success. 

"I can't feel my legs." I whine into the harness supporting my head and neck.

"They say that you broke your back." She tells me, explaining why I can't feel anything from the waist down. I don't reply, and I keep my head down so I don't hurt my neck so much. She just sits there, watching me, waiting for me to speak. Finally she catches on that I'm in pain and says her goodbyes to me after carefully kissing my forehead. As soon as she's gone a nurse comes in to give me medicine. It must be the kind that helps you sleep or something because instantly, I become drowsy. It feels like years have passed when I wake back up; today the nurse tells me that I'll have two or more visitors coming within the next week. Later on she walks in with two sets of feet trailing behind her.  

"Hey, Johnnycake." Ponyboy whispers to me, hoping I wasn't sleeping.

"Hey, Pony. Hi, Dal." I can barely see Dally, but out of the corner of my eye, I can make out his figure. I try to turn my head but it hurts to much, I ask Dally if he could send in the nurse -- quickly. She comes in and I ask for a small table and mirror, she gives me a look before heading off to get the things I requested. 

"What's all that for?" Ponyboy asks me while picking up the mirror to look into it.

"Put the table under my head with the mirror on it," I tell him," now I can see you guys." I tell them and look both in the eyes through my mirror.

"How are you?" Dally asks me without a single glance in my direction.

"In pain most of the time. I think I blackout a lot." I look at his reflection and see that he looks like he might cry. I try to clear my head by shaking it but it only causes more pain.

"Your mother would like to see you." The nurse comes in and tells me.

"No! I don't want to see her!" I scream at her.

"But she's your mother." She tells me while looking shocked that I could ever yell at someone.

"I refuse to see her! You can't make me! She's not allowed here! Keep her out! AHH!" That's all I remember before blacking out, but it's sad to say that, that was the last conversation I had with Pony and Dally. They haven't come back to see me, they're afraid they might trigger the memory of last time and cause another blackout. They might be right because if I think about it too hard, I faint. The nurses come in every once in a while to give me my medications. They tell me that I may never walk again, and that is if I live through this. One day Two-Bit came in and dropped off a book for me. "Gone with the Wind?" I ask the nurse wondering if someone would read it to me. I recall Pony reading part of it to me once but it was long ago. Days pass before the nurse volunteers to read it to me, and when she does read it, I think it helps keep my mind off the pains. I look at the book, sitting on the corner of the mirror, and notice that a piece of paper sticks out of it. Thankfully, I can move my arms around now, picking it up I notice a pen attached to it. And that's when I begin writing my goodbye letter to Ponyboy, telling him to pass along the message to the rest of the Greasers that I love.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sorry for it being short! I think since he's like dying, that it should be shorter and to the point. Thanks for reading all of those two "long" sentences xD

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