~Chapter 7

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Sam's PoV-

What just happened? I was just asked to marry someone and then they're gone! Oh, Johnny...  

"Sam? Sam?! Sam!" I sigh and turn around to see Cherry running up to me.

  "He's gone." I whisper to her, turning my back to her and start walking in the direction Johnny had.  

"Sam! Samantha, come back!" That's when I start sprinting to get away from the disapproval they have all shown to me. Finally I crash to the cold, hard earth feeling more dead then alive. I lay on my back looking into the night sky hoping it won't rain on me. I curl up into a ball and close my eyes wishing that I hadn't run like that.

 "Sam, Johnny's fine." Ponyboy's footsteps are a little too loud for my liking. He takes to the spot next to me and continues talking. "He came back after Cherry did. You can go home now." I sit up and look in straight in the eyes before speaking.

 "I don't need your help, Pony." I get up and start running back. I don't care if he follows me or not. I just want to see Johnny again. I open the door to the Curtis house and walk in without a knock or greeting. I see that Johnny's sitting on the couch watching the TV intently. I slowly walk over to him and sit on the floor; he doesn't look at me but takes my hand in his. And this is how we stay until I fall asleep. The next morning when I get up, I'm tucked under a blanket on the sofa and he's in Darry's recliner. I smile and carefully get up so I don't wake him, walking over to him I try not to laugh. I shake him gently until his eyes open.   

"Hey, Sam." He smiles and I can't help myself from doing the same. Walking hand in hand, we go and get something to eat from the kitchen. Darry's cooking some eggs, Soda is playing with an envelope, and Pony must still be in bed.   

"Morning, Darry, Soda." I take the seat across from him and Johnny takes the one next to me.  

"Morning. Eggs anyone?" He smiles and brings me a plateful of eggs meant for two. I take a fork in one hand and Johnny's in the other. I take a huge mouthful after mouthful; I've never had breakfast like this before. Reasoning be, that my brothers burn everything they try to cook. I guess the twins don't have the gift of cooking like my father or mother does. I look over to Johnny who didn't get a plate, but he's chewing something. I glance down at my plate and realize that Darry put both of our eggs onto the one plate. No wonder it was too much for me.  

"You can have the rest." I slide the plate toward Johnny who shoves clumps of the stuff into his mouth. I laugh at him and take my cup to the sink.

"I'll see you later, Johnny." I grab my keys off the coffee table and jog to my car. Once I'm inside my own house, I can't get off of fly mode. I quickly move around making sure I get everything done before I go back over to see Johnny. I pull a brush through my wet hair and pull it into a ponytail. After twenty minutes I'm back in the car and zooming down the street. I park near the lot and see that Johnny's sitting in the middle of it with Ponyboy.   

"Hey." I start walking toward them but stop in my tracks. The car motor's faint in the background, but I caught it anyways. I sigh and stand still facing Johnny with an expressionless look. His face doesn't mirror mine, it's the exact opposite.   

"Where's Cherry, Sam?" Slowly turning, I look at Randy, Marcia's ex boyfriend. I remember Marcia coming to a football game with Cherry and I once, but that was the only time I'd talked to her.    "I saw her last night." I stare him down hoping he'll leave.  

"Marcia's looking for her." He tells me.  

"Haven't seen her since last night, Randy. If you don't mind, I'd like to spend some time with my fiance." His face has shock on it but I don't care. I leave him standing there and walk over to Johnny. We can hear his car start, and wait for it to pull away before talking.  

"Hey." I say playing with a blade of grass.  

"Why was he here?" Ponyboy asks watching Johnny's face.  

"Looking for Cherry." I tell them the truth about what Randy wanted from me. I make a point by leaving out that his face held shock when I said "fiance". I guess when we were done talking it was around dinner, but sadly I had to be home for dinner tonight. My father's boss was coming over and I was not looking forward to it. I just hoped the night goes fast enough that I won't have time to miss Johnny, my dear fiance.

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