Chapter 48 Gossip

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"Oh It's Just A Little Joke Darlings!!Please Don't Be Mad It Ruins Your Beauty!"Happstablook
*Chara summons a red knife.Frisk formed a red shield cage around Happstablook
"No Darlings You Can't Hurt Me.Im Your Friend Right?"Happstablook
"Happstablook..Of course you are.."Chara
"But sometimes your jokes can give someone a heart attack"Frisk
"Oh Come On Like Your Not Planning On It.Ahhhh"Happstablook said having the red knife near her face
"You're on thin ice Happstablook"Chara
"Hah yeah Happstablook"I said
"Undyne you're not clear either"Chara
*Chara points another knife at me
"Waoh hey calm down.If I wasn't there this morning.You would've woken up in a different situation"I said
"But you still sent the evidence"Frisk
"True but would you still be here if I didn't help you out?"I said
"..."The humans
"See"I sad
"You do another stunt like that and I'm not be so merciful next time"Frisk
"Hah,got it punk"
*They calm down and you hear the front door open

"Um Happstablook were you expecting company"I ask
"No Not Really"Happstablook
*You see Nappstablook fazed through the door
" I interrupting you?"Napstablook
"Well..Of Course Not Blookey.What Do You Need"Happstablook
"Oh..(Y/N) nee-"Napstablook
*The door opens and (Y/N) walks in with no shirt on
(Oh my Asgore this is gonna be fun)
*You see the humans blushed
"(Y/N) needed a shirt..his own got burned somehow"Napstablook
"Hey Happstablook I'm just gonna search around your closet"(Y/N)
"Uh I Think Not!Just Wear Your Jacket"Happstablook
*(Y/N) walks towards Frisk
"Frisk I came to retrieve you...I mean my
"Uhm Yeah.Here"red face Frisk
"Thanks.So you two ready to leave?"(Y/N) said zipping up his jacket
"Asriel finished already?"I asked
*You stare at him
"You didn't give him a chance did you?"I said
"I'm sure you saw me go all out"(Y/N)
"You noticed?"Frisk
"When did you notice!"Chara
"The time you couldn't take your eyes off me.Like this morning"(Y/N)
*They went quiet

"You didn't peak at the surprise did you?"(Y/N)
"N-no of course we didn't"Frisk and Chara
"Good so let's get going"(Y/N)
"Ok"Frisk and Chara
"Where's Asriel?"I asked
"He headed back to the Kingdom"(Y/N)
"By himself!"I said
"No of course not.I did the "thing" so it will watch over him"(Y/N)
"Oh alright.I guess that's ok"I said
"Is it magic?"Frisk
*(Y/N) turned to Frisk and gave her a hug
"Aw that's correct Frisk.Your catching on fast"(Y/N)
*He then looks at Chara
"Chara why didn't you say anything"(Y/N)
"Because I don't know what your talking about!"Chara
"Hmm.Frisk I thought your gonna tell her"(Y/N) looking down at Frisk

"She was awake the whole time..Ow"Frisk said while getting punched by Chara
"Frisk that's strike two!"Chara
"Hm.Chara was pretending huh"(Y/N)
*(Y/N) stares at Chara
"I don't like liars Chara.But I'll forgive you..Now forget that and let's head out"(Y/N) said leading out
"Frisk you're in so much trouble"Chara
"Oh My Darlings Just Get A Room"Happstablook
"Hm.That could be arranged"(Y/N)
"(Y/N) No"Chara and Frisk
*He stares at them with red eyes
"Ok it was just a joke"(Y/N)
"Sure You Were"Happstablook
"Don't ruin my fun Happstablook"(Y/N)
"Oh Just Leave Already And Have That Romantic Time Together"Happstablook
"Ok let's go.Frisk..Chara."(Y/N)
"Yeah whatever"Chara
"Have fun you three"I said
"I'm planning on it"(Y/N)
*(Y/N) left with the humans

"Oh My He Is Flirty When He Talks To Them"Happstablook
"Yeah damn.Its like talking to..a different..(Y/N)"
"What's Wrong"Happstablook
"I think I'm supposed to do something about this but...I can't seem to remember"
"If You Can't Remember.It Could've Been Not That Important"Happstablook
"Maybe..But I better call this in to make sure"
"And Who Are You Calling?"Happstablook
"Perfect Now You Can Ask Her Out Just Like (Y/N)"Happstablook
"Happstablook nows not the time!"
"Mmmmhmmm.Darling You've Been On This Train For So Long (Y/N) Got TWO Girls On Him Before You Even-"Happstablook being sassy
"Wait hold on"

"Alphys do you know anything about big changes to (Y/N)'s uhm...personality"
"U-Uhm let me check"Alphys
"So Did She Say Yes"Happstablook
*I pointed the a blue spear at Happstablook
*She smiles and backs off
"..Yeah but t-the rest of the information w-was transferred to..Dr.Gaster"Alphys
"Could you ask him and call me back"
"S-sure I c-call you l-later"Alphys
*I hanged up

"So What Did She Say?!Its A Yes Right?!"Happstablook
"I will break your door down"
"Alright Darling You Can Hide Your Feelings From Her.Im Sure She's Not Suffering From This Lonesome Relationship"Happstablook
"What do you mean?"
"(Sigh)Darling.Darling.Darling.If Your Life Was A Show The Audience Will Be Dying For You To Just To Talk To Alphys"Happstablook
"It's not that easy you know"
*Happstablook gave me a neutral look
"Sweety.You Planned The Humans Date.Why Can't You?"Happstablook
"That's It Next Time The Humans Come We'll Discuss Your Dating Plan"Happstablook
"Oh Please.Its Happening Darling.You Better Get Your Game Face On.Because The Game Is About To Start"Happstablook
"Ugh just shut up about it"
*Alphys calls back
*I answered
"H-hey Undyne where's (Y/N)?"Alphys
"Somewhere in Waterfall.Why?What did you find?"
"I-I think Gaster f-found a solution to break t-the barrier"Alphys
"What?!He finally found a solution!"
"Y-Yeah But...theres a problem"Alphys
"What is it?"
"I think Gaster struggling to live due to the his latest experiment"Alphys
"Oh..So this is urgent"
"Y-Yeah get him here quick..before it's too late"Alphys
"Got it be there soon"
"Please do"Alphys
*I hanged up

"So Wha-"Happstablook
"Out of my way.An emergency just came up"
"Wait What About-"Happstablook
*I left to find (Y/N)

Next Time

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz