A small splash was heard beside me and I look over to see her swimming over to me. "That was fun." I smiled with her, gripping her waist under the water and holding her up.

"Of course it was. I just won fifty dollars." She winked, wrapping her arms around my shoulders and her legs around my hips. I held her closer as I took in this beautiful moment with the most beautiful girl in my arms. Everything is perfect.

She is perfect.

My wet curls had covered half of my face so she brought one hand up and pushed them back. I saw her fighting a smile as I kept my eyes on her, which only made mine widen.

"I love you."

She wrapped her arm back around my shoulder, clinging to me as we stayed in our spot in the water. Her eyes finally meet mine and I have never seen her happier than she did right now. I could feel how much she loves me just by how she is looking at me. I look at her the same way and I never want this feeling to leave.

"I love you too." She says back, grinning and lowering her head before her wet lips touched mine and moved them together tenderly. I didn't waste a second to respond by kissing her back.

I bit down on her lip and she parted them, allowing my tongue to slip through. Just as the kiss got more intense, there was a loud splash behind us and we were hit with water, making us pull apart breathlessly.

"I would like if I didn't have to see you shoving your tongue down her throat." Of course it was Zayn.

"Then don't look." Maddie claps back as rolls her eyes at him and pushes herself off of me, splashing Zayn with a large amount of salt water.

He sputters and starts to splash her back, but she nudges my arm under the water and nods towards the shore. I nod and we both go under the water and swim towards the shallow area, escaping from him before he could come after us.

• • •

"Harry, you need to leave this room." I hear Nick sigh from the other side of the door.

The lump in my throat returned but I quickly swallowed it and shut my phone off. He is right. I can't keep torturing myself like this.

I get up slowly from my bed, dragging myself to the door and opening it up, earning a relieved look from Nick.

"Thank god. I was starting to think you were dead."

My lips held a frown as I leaned against the frame, looking down at the white socks on my feet. "Sorry. I just haven't been feeling like myself."

"I can see that. What happened?" He asked worriedly. "You can talk to me, ya know."

I shrugged and walked out of the room, sitting down on the couch in the living room.

"Something happened between you and Maddie?"

Yes. We shared the most amazing kiss and it left me wanting more. Her lips are still as soft as I remember them, and the taste was as addicting as always. I just want to know if she felt the same.

I haven't told anyone, and I don't plan to anytime soon. Except my silence and gaze avoidance gives him the answer he is looking for.

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