|chapter 1|

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dans p.o.v

"Dan you should go for a walk or something, your always inside" i hear Garcia yell from the lounge room, I've lived with Garcia ever since i was 6, shes like a mum to me. i just sigh and walk to the front door. i wave good bye and walk to the closest park.

its actually quite nice out here, but i would much rather be inside watching TV or listening to music. i sat down on the park bench and listened to all the family's talking, laughing, having fun.

i haven't talked since i was six. i miss the feeling of expressing myself through my words, but after a couple of years i kinda got use to not talking. the reason why i stopped talking in the first place was because of my dad....


i walked in on my dad hitting my mum with a frying pan

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!? STOP" i already had tears coming down my face

"your mums a poor filthy useless whore and I'm teaching her a lesson"

"I SAID STOP" i yelled at the top of my lungs, i then picked up a big knife that was on the bench next to me "STOP HITTING HER NOW!!!" i screamed as loud as possible

he turned around and looked me in the eyes, his face was only inches apart from mine "go on then, do it"

he stepped back a bit and i couldn't move, i just couldn't. "ha i knew you couldn't do it" he then went to hit my mum again and then there was a knock at the door. neither one of us opened it, then it was knocked down. i still had the knife it my hand pointing it at my dad and he had the frying pan in mid swing. the cops came running in to the kitchen and arrested my dad, they called the ambulance for my mum. when the ambulance came i went in the truck with them. 

my mum was in an awful state. i was hurtful just to see her. i was sent into the waiting room and after five minutes i was given the tragic news that my mum didn't make it. since all my family lived in America and we recently moved to London i lived with my neighbour Garcia.

~end of flash back~

as i was having the flash back i didn't realize that i was crying until somebody asked, "are you alright?" i looked up to see who it was, he was beautiful.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2014 ⏰

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