Rikiya Katsukame x Reader : Cute!

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For this one-shot you and Rikiya are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

I apologize if it ended weirdly.

" Rikiya..." Overhaul mumbled. Gesturing to a chair for Rikiya to take place. " We need to talk." Rikiya tilted his head. " What did I do?" Rikiya questioned , Placing himself in the chair.

" You didn't do anything wrong , We just need to discuss...This." Overhaul gestured to Rikiya's arms.

" What?"

Overhaul let out a deep breath. " You can't...Carry around (y/n) everywhere. It's...Concerning." Overhaul looked from Rikiya to you , In Rikiya's arms.

You felt your cheeks grow warm as Rikiya lifted you up a bit. " Yeah , But (Y/n)'s cute though!" Rikiya held you closer , Placing his chin on your head.

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