Inasa Yoarashi x Reader : Compliments

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I was inspired by a comic I read , I forgot who the artist was! I apologize!
For this one-shot you and Inasa are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

Inasa grinned , Resting his face in his hands. " You look beautiful (Y/n) , Definitely breathtaking!" You looked down at your outfit , It was only Inasa's hoodie and leggings. You laughed , Waving inasa's compliment off. " You're a goofball Inasa."

Inasa perked up , His grin fading. " Oh! I apologize (Y/n)! My compliment made you uncomfortable." Inasa pouted , Looking away from you.

" Ah! No , It didn't make me uncomfortable Inasa! It's ok." You grinned gently , Trying to comfort the wind boi.

Inasa perked up once again , But now beaming brightly. " Ah! Alrighty!" Inasa laughed , Pulling you into his lap.

" You're Amazing (Y/n)!" Inasa complimented you once , Placing a couple kisses on your cheek.

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