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EVAN has been unloading his research equipment into his new temporary work space. The basement is a sea of boxes and half-assembled machinery. Amongst the clutter EVAN’s chimp cowers in his cage – he’s scared and uncertain in his new environment.

EVAN, carrying a large crate of test tubes and glass vials, enters the room through the heavy security door. Placing the crate down on a table, he hears the chimp pining and goes to comfort him.


Yes, I know. I’m not happy about this either.

EVAN raises his hand to the bars of the cage and the chimp reciprocates so their palms touch. After a second, EVAN opens the cage and invites the chimp to stretch his legs.


Come on.

The chimp doesn’t budge.


Look, I know this is far from perfect, but we’ve got work to do. We’ll just have to get on with it.

Again, EVAN holds out his hand. This time, the chimp takes it and steps out into the basement.


AARON rolls into the kitchen in a wheelchair, with a cane resting across his new prosthetic legs. As he crosses the threshold, he uses the cane to flip the light switch and illuminate the room. Next, he places his hands on the armrests of his chair and uses all his strength to haul himself to his feet.

Using the cane for balance, he edges slowly towards the fridge, using small, erratic steps. By the time he reaches his destination he’s sweating and out of breath. He leans on the fridge door for a second, before opening it and retrieving a carton of orange juice.

He heads over to get a glass from the drying rack next to the sink, but slips, landing flat on his back on the tiled kitchen floor.


YUKO’s sat on the edge of the bed, holding her phone to one ear. She’s exhausted, and looks like she’s been crying.


I mean, I want to look after him, but this is not at all how I imagined I’d spend my pregnancy. The plan was for him to be looking after me.

She pulls a tissue from a box on the bedside table and dabs it at the side of her right eye, before blowing her nose.


And his brother’s been no help at all, which is weird because he basically raised Aaron after their mother took ill… Yes, he’s downstairs right now. I suppose I’ll have to help him upstairs to bed soon. Honestly, I don’t know how much more of this I can take.


The chimp sits in front of a monitor, wearing a specially built headset (that bears a passing resemblance to Google Glass). EVAN turns on the monitor, revealing a 3D rendering of his chimp, alone in a vast, featureless digital space, with just a banana for company.


I know you don’t like this bit, but it’ll just hurt for a second.

He switches on the headset and the chimp winces as a small needle pierces the back of his head.


There – that wasn’t so bad, was it? Now, peel the banana.

Without moving, the chimp manipulates his avatar so it picks up and peels the banana.


Good. You’ll have mastered this in no time.


Using the counter for support, AARON pulls himself to his feet by the sink. Panting, he pours himself a glass of orange juice and downs it in one.

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