Get well soon Jongho

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I woke up in the middle of the night just to find out that our precious little maknae Jongho har fractured his left leg because of someone in a public transport wasn't careful and accidentally made him fall.

Here's the Soompi article:

Here's the Soompi article:

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What KQ said:

"Hello. This is KQ Entertainment.

We would like to inform you about ATEEZ member Jongho's leg injury.

During ATEEZ's recent group vacation, Jongho was using public transportation when he accidentally fell down due to to the carelessness of another passenger and then visited a medical specialist.

As a result, he was diagnosed with a fracture of his left leg. The doctor has said that he requires three to four months of recovery and rest for the fractured area, and he will be taking various medical measures such as wearing a cast to prevent worsening of the injured area and to prevent the the injury from recurring.

Although he plans to participate in future domestic and international events as planned, he will unfortunately be performing while seated at concerts and other events that involve excessive movement.

Since it's an unfortunate accident, we ask for the fans' generous understanding and ask for your support so that Jongho can recover as soon as possible.

Thank you."

I literally can't believe how some people just don't care. I hope at least this person apologised, helped him up or helped him to the care centre. I hope he gets well soon but even if he should still rest.

That poor boy must be exhausted.

Always here with you Jongho.

Atiny loves you❤️


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