Two men in police uniforms appeared on stage and spoke into the microphone, telling us that they had received some complaints about the noise. I burst out laughing with some of them while the rest of them were screaming and whistling. I immediately recognized that scene, Queen was the next group.

"Her majesty! QUEEN!"

The delirious audience shouted in joy as Freddie Mercury quickly walked in with his band. He greeted us before settling down in front of his piano and playing a few notes and starting with Bohemian Rhapsody.

Still holding on to each other, the Doctor and I swayed to the rhythm of the music while singing along with the singer. This was followed by "Radio Ga Ga" before Freddie Mercury did his vocals and we followed him. We danced and sang to "Hammer to Fall" in the limited space we had.

"This song is only dedicated to beautiful people, here tonight," said Freddie Mercury, guitar in hand. "That means all of you."

The man strummed on the cream-coloured guitar strings the first notes of "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" and I felt the Doctor's lips resting on my temple. I turned slightly towards him and lifted myself up on the tip of my feet to reach his lips.

We broke our vocal cords singing, shouting "We Will Rock You." We swung with the rest of the people as we all sang "We Are the Champions." Queen finally left the stage to let David Bowie, and the rest of the artists of this brilliant era of music, take the stage.

It's after 10pm when we left Wembley. We weren't going back to the TARDIS yet. We were starving.

We found, happily and fortunately, a restaurant that was still open with fish n' chips. We sat down with a sigh of relief. My feet were screaming in joy as I was no longer soliciting them and settled into the wooden chair.

"It was... it was, WOW!" I commented with a large smile on my lips and stars in my eyes. "I can't find the words for today, it was indescribable!"

The Doctor giggled with affirmation as he pushed a few strands of hair away from his face.

"Of all the live shows I've ever had, this is definitely my favourite. Everything was awesome!" I added with a mildly hoarse voice.

He filled a glass of water and handed it to me.

"And I know someone who's going to have a hoarse voice for the next few days. Lucky for me, I won't have that problem," hummed the Doctor, teasing.

"I regret nothing," I chuckled as I sipped my glass.

Our food was served, and we devoured the fish and chips with enthusiasm. I groaned at the taste of the fish which was scrumptious while the Doctor enjoyed the chips.

"Hmm! It's much better than the chips we were served at Deffry Vale High School," the Doctor remarked after swallowing the food in his mouth.

"I guess anything is better than the Krilitane oil-coated food," I joked with an amused grin.

The Doctor chuckled, also amused. And the rest of the dinner is surrounded by a simple, warm and joyful atmosphere.

When dinner with the Doctor came to its end, we hung out on the way home. Maybe it was because of our digestion, maybe it was because we were still in that concert mood with the music still resonating in our minds and buzzing in our ears, maybe it was because it was hot, but a gentle breeze solved this seasonal problem. Or maybe it was simply because we were both enjoying the moment together, without Rose or Mickey; just between two people who loved each other and were enjoying a moment before going back to their daily lives. We were enjoying this moment before going back to the Tardis, before running for our lives again, saving Time and Space, a family or a whole world. We who lived constantly on the quick path enjoyed this moment on the long path, which we might not be able to live together.

The Redhead OutlanderWhere stories live. Discover now