Chapter 1

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CH.1- New day, New Friends, New Psychos

You were sound asleep, having the most wonderful dream ever, than you got water spilled on you, you immediately jump out of bed to see your Aunt has an empty cup in her hand. "Aunty! Why did you do that!?" You got mad. "I woke you up a thousand times! Get dressed and head downstairs or I'll come back with a bucket." She walks out and slams my door. "AUNTY!!" You scream out of anger. "WATCH THAT ATTITUDE, ILL COME BACK WITH A BUCKET AND A CHANCLA!" Your aunt screams back. You huffed and stormed to your closet. You start muttering hateful things as you put on the uniform.

You head downstairs to eat your breakfast your Aunt made you. You stuffed your mouth and your aunt slapped your hands. "You pig." You both laugh. "I'm gonna miss this, my niece." She grabs your hand. "Me too Aunty." You hug her.

It was 8:00, you sighed and got up. Your aunty knew that you had to leave. "You're not gonna see me leave at the airport, sweetie", Your Aunty sighed "My gosh your 18 already, I wish this business trip didn't have to last for 3 months." She hugs you again, you both kissed each other on the cheek. "I'm gonna miss you Aunty, please call before you leave?" You ask. "Of course, but remember, I can only call certain of times when I'm at Canada, so wait for my calls okay?" You aunty asks. "I will." You give her a big hug after that. "Love you!" You grab your bag and headed out.

That was the only time your gonna see your Aunty in a long time. You breathe in and out, than you rush back in to give your Aunt another kiss and hug goodbye. Then ran out again and continued your walk to your new school, Akademi High School! After your mom and dad had a divorce, they tried to put you up for adoption, but your Aunty took you in, and had raised you for a long time now, you than move to Japan like a 2 months ago.

You snap out of your train of thought, because you thought of deep things, like lunch. You went on your phone and started to turn on a corner, when you felt a hard push on your back causing you to fall. You look up and see a boy with Akademi's uniform just continuing to walk. You felt embarrassed at falling, than you realized someone pushed you as you look behind you.

It was a girl with beautiful raven hair and nice eyes, wearing the same uniform your wearing. You than forgot your food was in your backpack and grabbed your bag right away to see if it's okay, it was okay, you were relieved.

Than you got up, your knees we bleeding because of the impact. You turn around and reached your hand to the Raven haired girl, she hesitates then grabs it, you pull her up to see the Raven Haired girl has dirt on her hands. "Are you okay? You must be running fast, I'm sorry I got in the way. But I don't think there's no need to rush, school doesn't start until 15 minutes." You smile at her. She just stares at you blankly. "Do you wanna walk there together? I'm new so I don't know where to go." You ask. "Um, y-yeah." The girl made a little smile.

You both start walking, "so what's your name?" You ask her. "Ayano Aishi (don't come at me, I know its Japan, but imma announce them however I want). Yours?" Ayano asks. "Oh my name is y/n l/n, I'm a transfer student." You smile. You both than started talking about yourselves, until you've made it to the school.

"I'm gonna head to the nurse's office, my knees hurt a bit" You giggle. "I forgot about your knees, I'm sorry I ran into you." Ayano says. "Its okay, I've been hurt more than this." You smile once again, "See your around." You wave as you both split up in different directions.

After awhile you've finally made it to the Nurse's office. You knock at the door and seen a woman with pink hair. "I didn't get any call about you coming." The nurse said. "Yeah I'm sorry, is just my knees are scraped and I just a need bandage on them." You ask. "Okay, I'll inform your teacher," She gestures so you can sit, she starts dabbing some disinfect medicine, which stung a bit.

"What's your name?." You say feeling guilty. "My name is Muja Kina, you?" She wraps the bandages over your knees. "Its y/n l/n, thank you by the way." You stood up. "Oh it's no problem, oh!" She dropped the cap to the bottle, you both tried to grab it but you end up hitting heads.

You both giggle and you grabbed the cap and gave it to her. "Thank you again!" You smile and headed out. When you left the nurse just sat down, thinking about you, having a little hint of blush.

You finally made it to class, you knocked on the door and the teacher let you in. "So, my students. This is our new student." She grabs your shoulders, "introduce yourself," the teacher pushes you a little. You gulp "my name is umm" you started shaking. 'Stop shaking' you thought. "My name is y/n l/n." You said nervous as heck. "My name is Ms.Yamato. You can take a seat with Osana Najimi, with the orange hair." She gestures.

You go and sit beside her. You smile at her, and she made a 'hmm' face and continued to listen to the teacher. You felt embarrassed and started listening.

~Timeskip to lunch, because I can~

The class ended and you headed to your locker. Than you realize Osana came beside you, you thought she was gonna talk to you, but instead she just had a locker beside you. You stared at the gate seeing this brown headed girl serving octodogs. She looked at you and than you raised your arm to wave...but as you did that you knocked Osana's bento to the floor.

Osana looked at you shocked than soon changed into anger. "You ruined my food!" Osana poked your shoulder. "I'm so sorry, please forgive me." You bow down as a sorry. Osana rolled her eyes and grabbed her ruined food and threw it in the trash. You grab the leftover and threw it in the trash.

"You can have my extra Bento, my aunty made 2 for me." You grab the extra one and gave it to her. Osana eyes you and slowly takes it. "You're forgiven." Osana said. She starts walking away, she than stops. "Do you wanna eat together?" She asks. You were bolted with joy. "Yeah, of course!" You rushed up to her.

She had a little hint of blush, you didn't see. "Just don't get all buddy, buddy with me, I'm just lonely." Osana says. "Okay, I was gonna be lonely too, so I'm glad you asked me." You smiled. Osana smiles a little but cuts it when you guys reach the rooftop.

You both sit down and you grab out your bentos and started to eat. "So, why did you come here?" Osana asks. "Well, I came with my Aunt, she got a good job here, but they already had a business trip already, so I'm like alone for 3 months. I guess it will be fun, but I'll be just lonely." You smile. "Really? It must feel lonely than." Osana sighed. She than just realized there's fish in her bento.

"I hate fish." She said. "Really? I love fish, can I have it than?" You ask. She nods, you than open your mouth, Indicating for her to feed it to you. "Um, you want me to feed it to you?" Osana asks. "Well yeah, I'm opening mouth for a reason." You smile.

Osana blushes, "uh okay than." She lifts the chopsticks and gave you some. You start chewing, "I don't know why you don't like fish." You smile with food in your mouth. "Don't talk with food in your mouth. Idiot." She glared at you. You giggle and finished chewing.

With you and Osana chatting, you don't even know that the same Raven haired girl was watching you. "Oh my sweet y/n, she should keep her disgusting saliva to herself, its okay my naive y/n. I'm here." Ayano says having a craze love look.

This is my first book!there are some scenes where they sound wrong, their supposed to, since Ayano over exaggerates.

Or because I sneak little dirty jokes lol.

But this is my first chapter hopefully this story will be good in the future!!!

Love Craze [Ayano x Fem Reader]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant