Chapter 5

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CH 5: Bullying

It was the next day, you dreading that you have to go to school. But, alas, you go and pack up for school.

You made it to school and saw Osana waiting at the gate. 'Fuck!' you screamed in your head. You go up to her. "Y/n, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you!" Osana felt unexpectedly quilty about your guys' kiss. You just smiled at her and held her cheek. "Its okay, I kinda like you too. Let's just keep us as friends for now, maybe something more in the future." You hug her, and she hugs you back.

You guys started heading inside, both of you blushing. You than felt 2 eyes looking at you, giving you a creepy chills. You look behind you and saw Ayano, glaring down at you and Osana. You wave at her, and Ayano was surprised. "Ayano! Come." You wave her down, she starts walking up to you guys. "S-sorry..." she admits to watching you guys. "Its oka-" as you were about to forgive Ayano, Osana stomps her foot. "That's freaking creepy! You can't just watch people, I've saw you following y/n for awhile now, stop it, people will think you're a freak." Osana goes off on Ayano.

"Osana!" You yelled in shock. "What, its true and I'm fucking tired of it." Osana glares at Ayano. You were gonna comfort Ayano, but you realized, its kinda true sometimes you'll have glimpses of Ayano following you. You just look at Ayano not knowing what to do. Ayano covered her mouth, tears coming down from her eyes, she than just ran away. "Ayano!" You yelled out to her. You than just left Osana and ran after her.

You got up to her and grabbed her arm. "Ayano! Talk to me!" You got mad. "Stop! I'm embarrassed!" Ayano cries. You than just hug her and hold her. Ayano hugs back, she saw Osana watching from the entrance, Ayano did a little wave at Osana, taunting her. Osana gets pissed off and storms away.

"Now," you pull yourself off of Ayano "why are you following me?" Ayano makes a pouting face. "I know it seems so creepy but, its" as she was about to confess all her feelings, you grab her hand "I know, you're worried about me? Right? I must be you first bestfreind." You smile at her, looking at her with a "right?" Face. She gulped and nodded "yeah, because I'm very obsessive, you're my first bestfreind, I don't know how to act around you." Ayano lies. "Its okay Ayano, but you have to understand I have other friends too, I hope you can work on yourself okay?" You give her another hug. "I have to get to class now okay?" You tap her shoulder and head to class.

You and Osana make it to class, everyone was chatting in class and the substitute wasn't there. You go up to a girl and tap her shoulder. "Hi, where's the substitute?" You ask the girl, she slaps your hand away. "Stop flirting with me you slut." She moves away. "The hell, well she's full of herself." You get pissed off.

"What was that about?" Osana asked. "I don't know, but she called me a slut." You got annoyed. "Really? Where's that bitch?" She gets up. "Stop. It's okay Osana." You smile at her. She blushes and sits down "well I don't care anyway." She pouts, obviously blushing.

After awhile you headed to the bathroom, while turning the corner to walk in, you bump into a blonde girl, you look up it was the girl from yesterday, Osoro Shidesu. "You! You're the one who stretched my uniform!" You get mad. "What the hell!? Wait, You're the lesbian slut!" (Note: if you aren't lesbian, just change the word what your sexuality is, but you should just leave your nickname alone or it would be weird to call you like the "bisexual slut") Osoro smirks. You were shocked as hell. She just called you a lesbian and a slut! You never came out and you never did anything slutty. But being called a slut 2 times in a day, set. You. Off.

You punched Osoro as hard as you can. "What the fuck!?" Osoro tumbles a little. But instead of you feeling happy of hitting her, you were the one that was hurting. "Fuck my hand! How the fuck are you that strong!?" You get angry. "Shit, let's go to the nurse's office." Osoro said. "But...I need the bathroom." You whine. "You can use it later! Hold it!" Osoro grabs your good hand and starts pulling you to the nurse's office.

"Stop pulling me! I don't go with people that call me the lesbian slut!" You get angry. "What the hell you mean!? You are a lesbian and a slut right?" Osoro stops. "What the fuck is wrong with you!? I'm a human being! And I'm a Virgin!" You get angry and storm passed her to get to the nurse's office. Osoro grabs her mouth and blushes viciously.

'stupid bitch' You thought angrily. You made it to the nurse's office, but nobody was there, you saw a note on her desk. You picked it up and it read 'I'm talking with a teacher please be patient on the bed, I'll come as soon as possible!' The note read. You sat down on the bed waiting, soon after you gone tired and fell asleep.

The nurse finally came in and saw you sleeping. She blushes and kneed down laying her head on the bed, watching you closely, her heart beating softly, she just smiles, she moves your hair out of the way of your face. "Why am I attracted to you? You're a student." She sighs. She gets up and taps your shoulder to wake you up.

You woke up and saw the nurse, "oh crap, I'm sorry." You get flustered from embarrassment. "Oh, it alright, now" she takes a seat in front of you "what's the problem?" She asks you. You show her your hand. "Oh my gosh, its all bruised." She grabs a icepack and puts it on the hand. "I might have to call the hospital for this one." She sat down again. "Just let me check before you have to go." She takes off the icepack.

She presses on the bruise, it was okay, but she pressed harder. "Ow!" You yelled. "Hmm, doesn't seem broken, but I'll put a medical wrap around it and you should check after school, okay?" She tells you. You nod. She starts wrapping your hand, her heart beating faster by the second.

She was finished, she gulps and let's go. "Here's some pills and a note for your teacher." She gives them to you. As you start heading out, Muja realized she forgot to sign the note. "Wait! I forgot to sign-" as she was about to turn to you, she hit the edge of the bed and slipped, cause her to fall on you.

As you were falling, you accidentally grabbed her boob. "Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry!" Muja gets off of you quick. "I'm so sorry I touched you like that! I'm so embarrassed!" You felt ashamed. "Its okay, mistakes happen haha, here let me sign the note." Muja takes the note and signs her name. She gives it back to you, blushing madly red. You nodded and you head out.

  You were heading back to class, thats when somebody pushed you into the wall, you were angry and was going to confront them but they were already in the class.

  You shrugged it off, getting pissed off. You go back to your class and you saw something that just put you in shock.

You go up to your desk, and saw a white flower on your desk, disgusting and messed up words on your desk. You looked at the flower, which means that when a white flower is on your desk, its the respect for the dead, but it can also mean they want you to die.

   You just started to cry, you looked at the other students laughing at you, you went out of your classroom with tears, you bump into a girl. "Omg are you okay?" She gets worried. "Yes I'm, I just can't." Your crying becomes louder and your gasping becomes more frequent. "Here take my hand I'll take you to the rooftop." She grabs your hands and starts heading for the roof.

   You both sit down at the rooftop, you looked who guided you and it was a black haired girl with pigtails. "Are you okay? I saw you crying and I brought you here so you can calm down." She gets worried. "I'm okay, thank you." You wipe off your tears. "I don't know why I cried like that?" You just felt embarrassed. "Well everyone bottles emotions, sometimes they just burst out." She smiles at you.

   "Thanks, whats your name?" You asked.  "Oh I'm Hanako Yamada." She smiles at you. "I'm y/n l/n. And thanks again." You smiled at her. "Well, I think the cooking club is still taking out their stuff, because it disbanded, the food might be there, do you wanna cook something there?" Hanako asks. "Do you think we can? Won't we get in trouble?" You ask. "If we're quiet." She makes a cheeky smile. You both grabs hands and start heading for the club room.

SO... since Hanako is a clingy sister to her brother, it will be different for you, she will be a clingy friend. Like she never wants you to have a partner or other friends.

But! If you want her to be a love interest, I will do that! It'll just take awhile for chapter 6 since I'll make changes. But don't worry, I'm a hard worker!

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Love Craze [Ayano x Fem Reader]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя