Chapter 9

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You walked out of the police station after they asked you questions. The school didn't want any more bad reputation from all the murders that are happening, so they covered for you and you got off as self-defence. You have gotta testify against Osoro though.

  There is so much to take in, you want to see your aunt. The police contacted her already, so you simply waited for her phone call at the bench in the park.

  You felt like that everything is shifting, your sanity is going crazy, it started with Amai. You wanted to just scream, you thought you were a horrible person for how you treated Ayano. Ayano was there for you, she was so wonderful.

  You snap out of thought when you heard buzzing; it was your phone. You picked it up right away it was your Aunt.

"Oh, my sweet baby. They are letting me off for a week, I am coming there ok. I got my ticket and my bags." Your aunt was freaking out.

"Yeah, I need you, aunty." You started to sob.

"I'm sorry my baby that I wasn't there for you, I should have called you more through the month and half of this month," Marianne said in a sympathetic voice.

  "No, it's my fault. I'm sorry. When you get here, can I sleep with you?" You ask your aunt.

"Of course my baby, I am going on the train, I'll be home tomorrow morning. Stay strong babes." She hangs up.

  You tucked in your knees and started to sob into your arms, dropping your phone, causing a big crack on the side of the phone. You didn't care at the moment and just continue to let out all your emotions.

  Then a blonde-headed girl with a sports bra and some shorts, and cute goggles on the top of her head, sat right beside you. She took a sip of her water, and she was sweaty, it looked like she had finished her jog.

  "Oh hey, you have the same uniform at my school. My name is Asu Rito." Asu shakes your hand.

  Asu smiles at you, then noticed the blood on your uniform, and saw that you were crying. Asu regretted it and jumped up to check on you.

"Holy crap, did you get hurt. Here let me take you to the doctor." Asu grabs your hands, but you pulled back.

  "Leave me alone." You grab your phone and shove Asu.

  You wanted to be alone, though you felt bad for getting mad at her. She was only trying to help. But you just needed a break, besides you can find her at the school and apologize then. You walk home holding your gasping sobs, not wanting to be embarrassed from crying.

  You laid down on your bed, you kept on thinking about your friends all of them are murdered and some of them are away. Especially Osoro, you hated everything about her, she was the one that took them away. Yet, you made Ayano leave you, your anger turned into sadness. You missed Ayano, you wanted to see her.

  You decide to take a small nap, as you close your eyes, you haven't realized that there were school shoes at the front of your arm, and Ayano was under your bed.

  Ayano slowly comes out of your bed, careful to not make any noise. She saw you taking a sweet nap, she wanted to watch you, she heard cute little snores. Ayano grazed her finger against your arm. Wanting to hold you, Ayano then leaves, grabbing her shoes on the way out.

  After 2 hours, you had a long nap. Though you feel out of it and wanted to take a shower before you start working on homework.

   You a trip off your clothes and throw them in the laundry basket. You then put some soap in your scrubber and set it down. You started the shower and you made sure you have everything you need for your shower.

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