Chapter 97 Let's Play Some Ball!

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"Huh, yeah I'd love too. What about you Goten." I said, including Goten in the conversation. I saw his eyes light up at my question. I loved seeing him happy.
"Yea, I'd love to play." Goten said happily as he jumped into my arms.
"Well alright then let's go. Just show us the way Goku." I said happily as I put little Goten down.
"Alright then I will." Goku said enthusiastically as he came up from behind and picked me up. I felt myself grow a bit flustered at his action, but couldn't help but smile widely either.
Once we got to the baseball game....
I had finally put on my baseball uniform.
"Dammit all, it's a bit tight, but at least it's sleeveless so I'm not too hot." I said to myself positively as I put my baseball cap on. I walked out confidently to the field to line up with the rest of my team.
"Well if it isn't sir Chubbiness." Genevieve said teasingly as we observed the other team.
"You'd do best to shut your mouth if you want to keep it, child." Champa threatened.
"She's actually quite right my Lord." Vados added backing my hilarious sister up as she laughed at her comment.
"Haha, that's hilarious, but when did you get here Genevieve? I asked curiously.
"I've been here a while." Genevieve said with a funny face.
"Oh well I'm glad you're on our team too." I said happily. After greeting my sister, I looked at the other team and noticed little Goten was on the other team.
"Hey why are Vegeta and Goten on your team?" Goku asked, confused.
"It's to even out the teams." Whis simply answered.
"Plus, I want to play against Goten." Trunks said confidently.
"So do I." Goten shot back just as confident.
"Hmm, I like your confidence boys." I praised, with a confident smile.
"Thanks Elise." Both boys answered nicely causing me to smile.
"No problem." For some reason when I said that, I felt eyes everywhere around me. I opened my eyes to see that everyone was staring at me. They were all a bit flustered.
"Hey quit staring at me. I'm not cute." I said annoyed as I walked to my position as the base guard. I watched as others followed suit. Goku got in his position as the pitcher and Champa the batter.
"Alright Goku, come on you can do this!" I cheered happily as I gave him a confident smile. I watched as he turned super saiyan blue and pitched the ball towards Champa. I saw Champa remain confident even though Goku's pitch basically blew up the whole stadium.
"Are you guys okay?" I asked reassuringly.
"Yeah, but wow, watch out dad. If I hadn't moved, I would've been toast." Gohan said awkwardly as he got out from under the ruble.
"You're stronger than you look earth boy." Champa commented seeing Gohan withstand Goku's super Kamehameha.
"Good job Goku. Keep up the good work!" Beerus shouted, satisfied with Goku's work.
"Okay Thanks Beerus. This baseballs a lot funner than I thought it was."Goku thanked as he powered down. That's when Whis came to warn him.
"I'm sorry Goku, but all acts of destruction are forbidden so if I see that again, you'll have to be ejected from the game."
"Aww, but how am I supposed to test my strength then." Goku complained.
"It's not supposed to be training Goku. It's a baseball game, it's supposed to be for fun." I explained butting in.
"Yes, Erisu is right. Just relax and have some fun and enjoy the competition." Whis added, agreeing with me.
"Huh, well if you say so, I'll try it." Goku said, giving me a smile.
"Thanks Goku." I thanked nicely giving him a quick hug before running off back to my base.
Goku's POV
"Thanks Goku." Elise thanked me as she gave me a big hug. She was so warm. I felt my face heat up at her closeness. Not to mention, the tightness of her outfit. I felt her entire body on me. I couldn't respond. All I did was look down at her nervously with a hot mess of a face.
Erisu (Elise) POV
"Let's play some ball!" I shouted enthusiastically as I ran back to my base. After settling down, Goku pitched the ball. But this time he pitched it way to slow.
"Well you can't say he isn't trying." Krillin commented.
We just watched the ball make its way toward Champa. I'm not gonna lie, it took at least 15 years for the ball to reach Champa. He hit the ball.
"Oh no."Krillin complained.
"Foul ball!" Whis called out getting a relief out of all us red teamers.
"What, how was that foul ball!" Champa shouted in aggravation.
"Haha! That's what you get stupid brother!" Beerus shouted back laughing at Champa.
"Hmph, never mind you're not worth it anyway." Champa said back to himself as he got in position to hit the ball again. I watched as Goku strategized a plan on how to throw the ball right to himself. I watched as he threw the ball right causing Champa to hit it. I saw Goku get sad and I didn't like that one bit. But then it happened, Trunks shot at the ball and caught it with his right hand.
"Alright! Way to go Trunks!" Krillin cheered enthusiastically.
"Yeah, great job Trunks. Made one for the team!" I said happily encouraging Trunks.
"Good job Trunks!" Bulma shouted supportively with a smile towards Trunks.
"What that's against the rules! Isn't it Vados?!" Champa panicked.

Reincarnated as a Saiyan (Discontinued) Might work on it in the future, maybe.Where stories live. Discover now