Chapter 95 The Trolls get Beat up! Rewind that Please?!

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Once we got to the front of Bulma's house.....
"Oh shoot, I just remembered!" Goku panicked.
"What." I said in shock.
"I asked Mr.Satan to help me get a job so I could earn some money to help fix my house for me and Goten. Today is my first day there." Goku said in a panic.
"I don't think you should have to work Goku. I think Bulma would be fine with you guys staying at Capsule Corp. After all, my parents are thinking about buying their own house. That means more space for you guys." I said happily with a smile causing the saiyan to calm down.
"What really, but I don't feel right not pitching in or anything." Goku added sadly.
"Trust me. I'm sure it's fine Goku. After all, how could anyone say no to little Goten." I added happily with a cute smile.
"Well I guess you're right, thanks for the support Elise." Goku thanked me nicely as he hugged me. I felt myself become flustered at the action.
"Huh, well no problem, I'm always happy to help. Ya know when ya need help that is." I answered nervously as I rubbed the back of my neck. That's when it happened. I heard the ringtone I had for Bulma start playing. I quickly reached into my gi pocket and pulled out my phone to answer it.
"Hey Bulma, what's up." I asked curiously as I looked toward Goku.
"Well ya see, we've got a bit of a problem over here. It seems Vegeta's been beaten up by a little girl and so has your father." Bulma explained.
"Hold up rewind that please." I said as I put the phone on speaker.
"Vegeta and your father were beaten up by a little girl and we need you and Goku's help." Bulma explained causing me and Goku to laugh hysterically.
"Ha ha, two trolls with big egos..." I started.
"Taken out." Goku ended laughing hysterically along with me.
"Yes I know it's super funny, but they could possibly blow up the earth." Bulma added causing me and Goku to stop laughing.
"You're serious." I asked.
"Yeah, that's why I need you two here ASAP." Bulma said.
"Alright we'll be there Bulma." I said as I hung up the phone.
"You know the situation right." I asked.
"Huh, yea. I hope this girl is strong. I mean she has to be if she took out Vegeta right." Goku said excitedly as me and him began flying off toward where the others were.
"Huh yeah, I bet she's strong alright. And well since I'm a saiyan that really gets my blood boiling with excitement." I said confidently.
Time skip to when me and Goku arrive....
Once me and Goku arrived, Goku went straight to fight Arale, while I flew to where Bulma was.
"So got any ideas Bulma. I figured that while Goku's fighting her, we could find another way to stop them." I brought up.
"Huh, yea good idea Erisu." Bulma answered happily with a smile.
"Alright then, do you have any idea machine maker?" A man asked a little gray pot.
"No, you're the one who has the ideas, I just conjure them up." The pot answered.
"Oh poo, now what." Trunks complained, getting an idea from the man who had just spoken to the machine.
"That's it my boy, poo, dooky, excrement."
"What?" Trunks and Bulma asked in confusion.
"Alright machine, make poop." The guy ordered.
"Number 2 on the double." We all watched as it conjured up a pink poop.
"Alright somebody throw it to Arale." The scientist dude said, getting many complaints.
"Well Champ, you heard him." Bulma said.
"What, oh no, ladies first." Mr.Satan answered back.
"Can someone just pick it up already." I said in annoyance.
"Oh darn it." Trunks said as he grabbed it with a stick and threw it toward Arale.
"What the." Goku said weirded out as he watched the poop land on the ground as Arale started playing with it.
"What a strange girl." I said to myself.
"So anyway, what are we gonna do guys." I said in a panic when Bulma immediately had an idea turn on.
"Oh I got it." Bulma said as she grabbed the camera from the floor.
"Alright, all of you watching this program right now. Think of your favorite food and look towards this TV. I know it's strange and I'll explain later, but right now the fate of the world depends on it so just look at the TV and think of a favorite dish. It could be something you cook at home or something at your favorite restaurant." As Bulma said this, we all watched as the machine began to light up and before we knew it, it created some sort of chocolate ball.
"What are we gonna do with a chocolate ball?" The scientist dude asked confused by the oddd creation in front of him.
"You'll see. I'd give it about 2 minutes at most." Bulma said.
"Oh wait a second, you're summoning Beerus. Aren't you." I guessed.

Reincarnated as a Saiyan (Discontinued) Might work on it in the future, maybe.Where stories live. Discover now