Jaebum and Jinyoung

Start from the beginning

The two met, Jaebum put his arm around Jinyoung's shoulder, hugging him warmly. Jinyoung did not know what to feel, between being happy, worried, embarrassed, panicked, and at the same time wanted to cry. But he also felt that his bruised stomach was slightly compressed by Jaebum's body weight.

"Something happened, Jaebum-hyung? You have to run- "

"What are you doing here Jinyoung?! Why don't you go home? " Jinyoung flinched at the question, but when Jaebum let go of his arms and looked into his eyes, Jinyoung knew he wasn't blaming him. Jaebum only worried when he saw him here and not at his house.


"And again, I told you I'd pick you up at the infirmary. Who allowed you to go home alone? " Jinyoung blinked a few times.

"The infirmary teacher..." Jaebum paused before finally muttering quietly, covering his face by trying to hold back his frustration.

"I know that one. I mean not!"

"Ouch!" Jaebum finally hit Jinyoung's head. Jinyoung didn't feel he was being punished and so, Jinyoung felt Jaebum did it with a sign of affection.

Jinyoung knew what Jaebum meant, for some reason. Jinyoung felt he knew the man for a long time, and it seemed like he was really Jinyoung's brother from the start. Without the need to exchange words, Jinyoung already knew what Jaebum meant, including how Jaebum was towards him.

"I can't trouble you." Jinyoung finally decided to talk. "I'm sure the health teacher already told you that this is not the first time for me." Jaebum was silent, as if listening. Jinyoung who felt that Jaebum was waiting for his sequel to finish, Jinyoung swallowed with determination to finish it as best he could. "I think that if I go to school here, I can avoid that trauma. I believe that everything will be different." Jaebum frowned when he heard Jinyoung's tone of voice as if choked up. Jinyoung tried to hold back emotions that swelled when telling it to Jaebum. "My sister is very overprotective, even so, I'm very grateful. She loves me very much. However, that does not mean I want to be constantly worried about her, I want to show that I can, and she does not need to worry. When we meet, we can have fun together without worrying about many things. " Jinyoung closed his eyes.

"But if it's happened like this again, I won't only bother sister, but also bother Jaebum-hyung and-"

"Shut up, Jinyoungie!" Jinyoung looked up in surprise when he heard Jaebum's loud voice once again. "Can you listen to people's words just once?!" Jinyoung blinked.


"See!" Jaebum poked his index finger. "You cut me when I want you to listen to me!" Jinyoung frowned before finally sighing softly. Jaebum regarded it as a sign he understood, before finally Jaebum joined in a soft sigh. "I will not let you go alone." Jinyoung looked up. "It's my fault to go alone without you who don't know your school and new home environment just to see Youngjae." Jinyoung tilted his head in confusion, and saw a pink hue adorn Jaebum's cheek.

"Youngjae?" Jaebum blinked, aware of what he was saying, before finally staring at Jinyoung once more. "I'm sorry, keep going." Jaebum sighed and continued.

"Already know your situation like that, you still just go home alone. Did you not see what they did to you? " Jinyoung frowned. He vaguely remembered hearing Jaebum's loud voice in the canteen which was quite noisy. Jinyoung felt a warm light wafting through him as the cold spread from the eyes and treatment of the five children. "I know I'm late in saving you, so they dare to touch you before I stop it, but that doesn't mean that now I will let them do it to you again!" Jinyoung's mouth fell open.

"... but I'm used to-"

"How troublesome if you don't hear my words!" Once again Jinyoung looked up with a surprised expression. His eyes blinked and his mouth dropped open. "I don't want to hear you say I'm used to it again!" Jaebum sighed again. "I only knew you for a while, and I also should have acted like a big brother, but instead I like that." Jinyoung frowned. "But I didn't say that you could be treated like that at school!" Jinyoung gaped. "The school where I am!" Jinyoung felt his tears well up. He doesn't want to cry; he knows he shouldn't cry. Jaebum is a good brother, very kind. Jaebum seemed to be able to see him, he paid attention to who he really was.

"I will still pay attention to you, Jinyoungie." Jinyoung bowed his head, a small smile painted behind his bubbling emotions, and tears that kept flowing.

I didn't know that he could warm my heart with just those words. Jinyoung looked up, smiling softly.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Jaebum-hyung!"

Jaebum didn't know that Jinyoung could attract his attention, make him feel so much emotion, and find every smile and laugh so interesting. Jaebum was relieved when he could see it painted on Jinyoung's handsome face. Himself deserving happiness, Jaebum wants to make sure that Jinyoung will get it. Jaebum felt that he could get through everything when together and being beside Jinyoung.

"Let's go home."

Once again, Jaebum saw the smile that warmed his heart.


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