"Well you did tell him y'all wasn't together and to leave you alone."

"That nigga knows when I say that I really mean come get me. He never takes me serious any other time."

It was cute the first hour or two but it's been three like I'm supposed to be getting some act right at this moment. This was not apart of the plan.

"Maybe he sick of your shit girl I don't know." Dime said rolling her eyes.

"He probably is." I sighed laying back on her bed.

"But... being sad about it ain't gonna help. You might as well go out with me to get your mind off it for a couple hours then deal with it later." She told me.

"Fine." I said reluctantly.

next day
2:24 am

"IF THE NIGGA WANNA HIT IT, MAKE THAT NIGGA SPEND IT. MAKE HIS POCKETS HURT, go bestie!" Dime yelled recording me while I danced.

Bitch I was having the time of my life at this club. It was one of them nights I was becoming friends with everybody and talking about anything.

"I feel like just worked out, it's hot as shit in here." I said sipping my drink.

"The alcohol gonna make you even more hot." Dime said taking my drink.

"I need that what are you doing!" I said getting sad.

"You need to calm down." She said. I just waved her off before I was bumped by somebody.

"Y'all don't know how to say excuse? The fuck, I'll smack everybody in this bitch!" I said loudly.

"Girl what? It's time to go." Dime said taking me out the club.

"I don't wanna go! I want Jahir." I whined still getting in her car.

"Why the fuck did I get you this drunk?" Dime mumbled pulling off.

3:07 am

"Thank you Vinny!" Dime said to my doorman as we walked in my apartment.

I went straight into my room not seeing him or his stuff anywhere.

I walked into the kitchen getting some ice cream and started crying.

"Dior why are you crying bro?" Dime said annoyed.

"He left me. All his stuff is gone." I said eating some more.

"He's going to get over it Indy trust me. Y'all are gonna be okay. Drink this water." She said handing me a water bottle.

"That nigga really divorced me after 4 months almost five like who does that?" I said sipping the water wiping my eyes.

"Y'all weren't married." Dime said.

"Yes we were Diamond. You know Rihanna made a song about you?" I asked before I started singing it.

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