"Who's Elijah?" I ask, crossing my arms. 

"He's your worst nightmare." She states before walking off. Elena and i share a look, she's frowning, shaking her head. 

     "We'll be fine," I tell her with a small smile. She gives me an unconvinced nod. I grab her arm, pulling her with me, "Where did they go?" 

     I finally see her in the living room and sigh, "How come we're here?" I ask. She sighs, turning to look at us. 

     "You two and your questions." She groans. I raise a brow and she sighs. "I'm not going to answer." 

     "Why not?" Elena questions quietly. 

"Another i won't answer." She huffs. 

     "So you have the audacity to kidnap us and then not answer our questions? Chivalry is dead." I scoff, sitting on the couch. "We can't go anywhere, humor us." 

    "I want nothing with you two." She tells us, closing the windows, "I'm just a delivery service." 

     "Delivery to who? Elijah?" Elena asks, stepping forward. 

  She scoffs slightly, shaking her head. "Two points to the eavesdropper." 

    "Who is he?" I ask, crossing my arms and following Elena into the room. "He's a vampire, isn't he?" 

    "He's one of the vampires, The Originals." She explains, not really paying attention to us. 

   "What do you mean, The Originals?" 

"Again with the questions." She huffs, "Haven't the Salvatores been teachings you your vampire history?" I furrow my brows, tilting my head. 

     "You know Stefan and Damon?" I frown. 

"I know of them." She nods, "A hundred years back, a friend of mine tried to set my up with Stefan, she said he was one of the good ones." Elena shifted uncomfortably, wrapping her arms around herself, "But I'm more of a sucker for the bad boys, though, like Damon." I clenched my jaw, doing the same and wrapping my arms around myself. "I digress." 

     "Who are the originals?" Elena asks, moving forward. She sighed, turning to face us. 

     "Trevor and i have been running for 500 years. We're tired. We want it over." She explains, "We're using you two to negotiate ourselves out of an old mess." 

     "But why us?" Elena frowns, shaking her head. 

"Because one of you is older, meaning one of you is the Petrova Doppelganger, and the other is the shadow-self. And whoever is the Petrova Doppelganger, you're the key to breaking the curse." I shift uncomfortably, tilting my head. 

   "Curse?" Elena asks confused. 

"The uh, the sun and moon curse." I sigh. She looks over to me, smiling slightly. 

     "Oh, you do know your history." 

"What do you mean one of us is the key?" I ask quickly. "Isn't the Moonstone what breaks the curse." 

    "No, the Moonstone is what binds the curse." She corrects, "Sacrifice is what breaks it." 

    "Sacrifice?" Elena gasps. 

She nods, looking between us, "The blood of the Doppelganger. And one of you is the Doppelganger. Which means in order to break the curse, one of you has to die." I take in a shaky breath, not looking over to Elena. 

    "Tell me more." Elena demands. 

"Captivity has made her pushy, huh?" Trevor asks, walking back into the room. I turn to look at him and he smirks, "What do you want to know, Doppelicious?"

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