Chapter 2

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"Hey." The moment Tay touched Gun's shoulder he jumped visibly scared.

"It's just me." Arm immediately joined Tay as they sat on both his sides on the couch.

Tay and Arm tried to do some small talk but Gun could see that they wanted to talk about Off. He didn't even want to hear his name spoken out loud.

It had been hard to miss the tension between the famous 'married' couple of GMMTV.

They had barely talked and when they had to be in close proximity for a shoot to promote their new series they had been tense and awkward around each other that the photographer had been annoyed with them and walked away in a huff.

Gun and Off were known for their professionalism and were a photographers delight, they usually took direction well and their chemistry was usually sizzling but this new turn of events had everyone worried.

They had arrived in separate cars, ate lunch at opposite ends of the room and hadn't been within 2 feet of each other and barely exchanged 5 words between them or even looked at each other.

These were two guys who usually couldn't keep their hands off each other.

Gun refused to talk about it and so did Off and it was left to Tay and Arm to get them to reconcile.

The artists managers had began to fret if this was the end of their work partnership which was going to be difficult as they had 3 more projects they had to do just this coming month.

Their managers had tried threatening them, cajoling them, even bribing them but nothing worked. The two refused to acknowledge each other.

"Tay, if you want to talk to me about him the answer is no. I won't speak to him and I won't work with him ever again. We are done. I don't care if I get  fired. I'm done. Screw this shit. Screw this friendship. To hell with him!!! I don't care anymore!!"

So Gun had always been fiery but this angry and bitter side was new to his friends who were now worried for him. He barely swore or cursed at anyone. His usual sweet demeanor was gone.

Gun was always smiling and loveable and this time he was bitter and no longer cared for his job. Gun not care for his job!!

Something had to have seriously gone wrong between them and it didn't help that none of them were willing to say what had happened.

Common speculation was that the two had crossed 'the' line and Off had rejected Gun and Gun wasn't taking that rejection well. It was no secret that Gun was a little bit more open about his affection for Off, with the hugs and kisses and all that shit.

But then again, Tay knew a side of Off he wasn't sure that most people realised. Just because Off didn't say so out loud didn't mean he had no feelings for Gun.

Off really deeply cared for Gun as well. So this was unlikely to have been the case of them falling out over crossing the line.

Sometimes Tay wondered just how 'far' his friends had gone? They sometimes acted like noone else existed and they would be too wrapped into their own world. But sometimes, they were just friends. It had to be something else.

Tay knew just how protective Off was and worried over Gun he was all the time. Off deeply cared for Gun. Tay knew that what people saw between Off and Gun was just half of what their relationship was like.

Yeah, 3/4 of their public interactions was intentional skin ship for the fans but there was the 'real part' of it all away from the fans and sometimes Off would forget he was in public and just let out his real side show.

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