Chapter 1

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"Is this Off?"

"Yeah. Who is this?"

"Who I am isn't important right now. I have news for you that you might find interesting."

"If you don't say who you are I'm hanging up."

"Don't be hasty Off Jumpol. It's about Gun!"

"Gun? What happened to him?" Off couldn't stop the anxiety creeping into his voice.

"See. I knew that was the magic word to get your full attention. If you want to know send me $100000.00."

"Fuck you. I don't tolerate blackmailers. Whatever you have, I don't care!"

"Wait, fine. I'm not doing this for money anyway. I hate Gun as it is so yeah. I will tell you for free. Because of him I lost the love of my life."

"Why should I listen to you?"

"Look, this isn't against you. Tell me I'm wrong, last night Gun said he was home and sleeping early."

"Yeah, so what? How the hell would you even know that!! Are you stalking him? I'm calling the police right now."

"Hold your horses, lover boy. He wasn't home. I could explain it all but I think the pictures say it all. Let's just say, karma's a bitch. He ruined my life and I'm just paying it forward. Happy viewing Mr. Jumpol."

"What the....?" Notification after notification came in. 4 videos and 56 pictures. Off sat down as he opened the pictures and videos he received.

Gun embracing a guy. Off wasn't surprised, Gun hugged everyone hello in his life.

When the guy let go, Off was surprised to see it was Oab. What the hell was Gun doing with him? Especially after swearing that the two wouldn't speak to each other anymore.

So Gun had lied and turned down his company to see Oab. Hmmm, he fought the annoyance that was seeping into his veins.

He wasn't suspicious or that much jealous by nature, besides maybe it was just them saying hello and immediately parting.

The more pictures he opened the more he saw just how handsy Oab was with Gun as they stood in the lobby of that building. Most of the pictures zoomed on Oab's hands on Gun body.

Yeah, on his shoulder, arm and was that his hand on Guns waist? Why was his hand on Gun's face?

The first video was Oab lifting and spinning Gun like Gun weighed nothing and Gun laughing his head off. That wasn't what enemies did? Had Gun lied about how much he disliked Oab?

The next series of pictures were of Oab with his arm around Gun's shoulder as they walked into what must be Oab's apartment.

As much as Off didn't want to keep opening these pictures he couldn't stop himself. He wanted to know and then again he really didn't want to know.

The next video was of Oab and Gun standing next to what appeared to be open curtains and Oab helping Gun out of his sweatshirt. Oab was standing behind Gun with his hands under Gun's armpits.

According to the timestamp this was barely 5 minutes since Gun entered the room.

What the hell? Had the two? Had they? Off didn't even want to think about it. He gave in to the rage and jealousy that was consuming his soul.

He picked the stupid bowl on the coffee table and he threw it to the wall. That sound of ceramic against the wall did little to quell his anger.

He was going to deal with Gun tomorrow when he came over for their usual Wednesday breakfast.


"Hey Papi, I bought some pancake mix and mixed berries. I want to try something new today."

Off kept his back to Gun who passed by him as he placed the groceries on the kitchen counter. Gun was excited about the pancakes that he didn't even notice that Off was pissed.

Gun came from behind the couch and wrapped his arms from behind and kissed the top of his head as usual and to his shock, Off violently shook his arms away.

"Someone's moody today." Gun teased with a wide smile.

"Did you not have a good night sleep Papi?" Gun came around the couch and faced Off with a wide smile on his face. Off jumped to his feet still not speaking.

Gun tried again to hug Papi and this time, Off's hand swung so hard it caught Gun smack into the face, with a powerful backhand that stunned Gun.

Gun was horrified that Off, his Off would slap his face like that.

"What the hell!! Why would you hit me Papii?" Gun kept his hand by his cheek as he fought the tears that were threatening to fall. Off didn't even look repentant. An apology wasn't even forthcoming.

Off had never been violent towards Gun and Gun didn't want to believe that Off would deliberately hurt him, yet here he was nursing a throbbing cheek.

"Off did... did you just hit me. Hit me!!!" Off wouldn't say a word. Normally after Off made a mistake he would be begging for Gun's forgiveness with lots of promises of presents and treats with lots of sweet talk. Yet he stood defiant in his angry knotted face.

In that moment, Gun phone rang.




"Sure, I'm not busy. You can come pick me up. I will pin my location."

Gun was pissed that Off wasn't speaking to him. He picked up the half opened pancake mix packet and threw it at Off as he picked his bag and left with a packet of frozen peas on his face.

So this was the way things were. Never in his life did Gun ever think he would be scared of Off. Off, his Papii was the last person he expected to ever hurt him emotionally and physically.

He was so done with Off. Nothing he could ever say or do could ever make things right between them ever again. Four years of history wiped with an unexplained literal slap to the face. To hell with being friends, he was nothing to him.

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