Sleeping on the Sixth Day

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September 6th, 2010

I awoke even earlier than usual for yet another appointment, and my mind and body were screaming in protest. I had fallen asleep late once again the night before, unable to face sleeping after all these insane events. I only managed three and a half hours of sleep that night before my busy day started. When I returned to my apartment (I saw my professor again, and he was looking out for me during the day, which was nice) my body just absolutely crashed. Four and a half hours later I forced myself awake and into the shower. I hadn't heard about any more strange occurrences, and at this point, I didn't care. I was too exhausted and sleep-deprived from the previous days to feel any of my previous and terrifying fascination.

But the situation proved impossible to avoid. That night, Lianna and Jenna said the guitar in their bedroom had been playing itself. Multiple times this morning, the guitar had strummed a single note all on its own, and they had both heard it. From down the hallway. No one had been in the room at all.

Man, I thought to myself, I really need to get that sage.

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