White Flags Gone Wrong

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September, continued.

I moved out of the apartment. I was transferred to a different apartment in the same building, but much to my dismay, the paranormal phenomena abruptly stopped at my old place and targeted me in my new one.

"Please," I begged Her. "I'm not here to bother you, just leave me alone!"

But no such luck. 

I had forgotten about my truce-attempt of no-harm until one day I was walking to class and found myself suddenly airborne as I had moved to step over a low, shin-high wall on campus. Had I tripped, the height of the wall would have scraped up my legs. Instead, I landed flat atop the wall, the edges burying into my ribs as the momentum flipped me, landing me hard on my back on the ground.

My stomach was bleeding. My neck felt like I had whiplash. My arm hurt even more than it had before. Above all, my legs—which logically should have been the most injured—remained unscathed.

The health center put me on a cane for two weeks. The scars never faded.

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