💜 part 5 💜

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Virgil's POV
After we all got done eating breakfast I remembered I have to go to work today so I go upstairs change and come back down " hey guys I have to go to work so I'll see you later" " actually hot topic I have a question for you" " yeah Princey?" " where do you work?" "yes I would like to know to" "oh well I work with Remy at a café not too far from here it's really good Remy always sneaks me a cookie or a sandwich to the back room for me man does he get in trouble for that a lot" " could we come with you?"  "Sure
*blushing* I guess Remy won't mind" The rest of them to get dressed and then we head to the café " hey Virge" " hey Rem I brought my roommates with me today I hope you don't mind" " no problem girlfriend also two men came in here earlier asking about you" " what did they say" " they said (we will find you you cannot stay away from us we are your masters) or whatever that means" oh no Remus and Deceit are trying to find me again I can't let the others get hurt " yeah thanks Rem I'll look into that" " no problem girl now go get your apron on it's almost rush-hour" 

Roman POV
after that Remy guy told Virgil about what does to guys said he's been on edge I wish I could see what's going through his head you know what I'm gonna go talk to him " hey guys I'm going to go talk to Virgil he seems to be more on edge than usual" "ok kiddo" I walk over to Virgil " hey hot topic you OK?" "Hm oh yeah I'm fine Princey don't worry about it" " well I should be worrying about it it looks like you're about to go into a panic attack" " can you just leave me alone Princey i'll tell you guys when we get home" " OK as long as you can assure me that you are ok" " i'm fine I'll go back over to the others" " Bye hot topic" I walked back over to the others and tell them everything that just happened " did you say he look like he was about to have a panic attack?" "Yeah specs he's worried about something yet I can't place my finger on it" all the sudden the door opens to the café and two people come in one I recognize instantly what but the other I'm clueless about they walk over to Virgil looking super angry

No one's POV

"Well look who we have here isn't it our little Neko" " g-get away Deceit" " aw he must not remember us dee" "well how about we make you remember"

(cliffhanger *evil laughing* Well bye guys and I hope you enjoy this chapter)

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