I try to wrap my head around what he meant. Keep an eye on me? I was perfectly fine with Clint supervising me. I didn't need Gally offering security, if even that's what he meant. I had Thomas for that too. I think. Great, another 'Gally thing' that didn't add up. I was still trying to understand his response the first day I'd come, his storming off at the circle, and then his trying to speak to me last night. His actions almost topped the arrival of the new greenie. Both situations made me very curious. As I was about to say something to the burly builder, I notice he has already turned, heading for the med hut. I shuffle behind him, not too eager to give up on all my unanswered questions. Besides, I have nothing else to do. Well, besides the pit. But I wasn't quite sure where it was, and even if I did, no one was forcing me into it at this exact point in time. I'm surprised Gally hadn't swung me over his shoulder like he did the beam so effortlessly yesterday, him then possibly eagerly hurling me into the pit. Obviously, that hasn't happened, nor it seeming to even cross his mind as we tread up to the building. "Before I ran into the Maze," I began, trying to change the subject. I didn't want to talk about my job decision, and I definitely didn't want to discuss why Gally was so defensive about me being supervised by someone other than himself. So I offered one of my questions that had been bouncing around my head for the past day. "You tried to tell me something. What--  what was it?"

Gally turned his head to catch my expression, which was nothing but pure curiosity. He didn't break his stride even as he spoke. "You mean before you broke the rules? Before you almost died? Before you ripped that shucking shirt of yours to help Thomas?"

I roll my eyes, "Yes. Look, I swear I won't do it again. Tom needed help. Besides, I'm here aren't I? Alive and well." I kept my arm guarding my stomach as I walked, for some reason reluctant for Gally to see any exposed skin. "But really-- I cut you off earlier. I wasn't paying attention because of Thomas and--."

"Thomas," I catch him mutter with a sour face. I knew he didn't mean for me to hear it, him mocking my mention of the runner. But I did. "Don't worry about it," Gally says, this time louder. The conversation pretty much dropped from there.

When we get to the med center, we're greeted by Alby's flailing body and groans. Gally gives one last look at me before heading to the leader's bedside. I took that as a silent message that he was done talking to me. That he had nothing else to say. I didn't argue. If Gally didn't want to keep the conversation, then so be it. There was no need to push and stir something up. No need to ask for more answers if Gally wouldn't give them. So I left him there, me then walking over to the others. Newt and Minho were there with Jeff, asking questions as the girl laid on a cot, unconscious. I notice Thomas was there too, and acknowledge that Jeff has already given his leg a proper bandage. My hand immediately tries to find its way to his. I stop though when I see Thomas staring at the greenie, his eyes shining with concern. It then hit me that perhaps Thomas knew this girl. Or at least she knew him, maybe her realization caused him some sort of revelation of his past. Maybe she and him-- him and her--. No. I shake away the thought. Thomas wouldn't hug me so tenderly and risk his life for me if he knew about another girl in his past. He would hold back; he hadn't done that even once.

"Do you recognize her?" Newt inquires, him and Minho looking to Thomas hoping for an answer. I too gaze at Thomas, holding my breath as we awaited his response. 

"No," Thomas murmurs. I let out a breath of relief.

"Really?" Newt pokes a second time, "Because she seemed to recognize you."

"What about the the note in the vile?" Thomas shifts the topic.

"Yeah, we'll worry about that later," Newt looks back down at the unconscious girl.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐲 || 𝐚 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜Where stories live. Discover now