Goodbye Hero

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*Y/N's POV*

I walked out of our new home and stretched, it was morning. I looked around and saw three people running towards me. Naofumi and his party...? What are they doing here? Passing by or something? No... Why would they be running?

Raphtalia: "Y/N!"

I walked towards them. I waved at them.

Y/N: "What are you three doing here?"

They stopped in front of me and they looked worried. 

Naofumi: "The castle is being attacked!"

Y/N: "The castle...? Are you serious? Who in their right mind, would attack there?"

Raphtalia: "Someone that is looking for you!"

Y/N: "Looking for me... Huh?"

Could it be... Most likely. It has to be him.

Y/N: "You guys, get Inori and Ash up and have them go with you. I'm gonna get to the castle as fast as I can!"

I began running as fast as I could. This is going to take longer now...

*Melty's POV*

I was watching, scared... This man was holding my mother by her throat... The throne room was kinda destroyed... I was surrounded by electricity. Like a cage...

???: "How much longer? I hate waiting. Especially for the Elemental Hero. Tell me, Mirellia."

Queen: "I-I don't know..."

Melty: "Please let my mother go!"

He threw my mother at the throne's chair.

Melty: "Why are you even after Y/N?!"

???: "The real me, he isn't allowed to return back to our world. He shall die!"

Queen: "The real you...?"

C/N?: "You may call me C/N. The clone of Y/N. Now then, I'm giving him a little longer, before I destroy everything."

But... Y/N can't use the elements... But, we need him. Y/N, please...

Melty: "Please..."

I heard a loud bang and looked at the door with wide eyes. It was punched inwards...? Is it...? The door was then punched towards C/N and he dodged them and looked towards the doorway.

Y/N: "Looking for me?"

*Y/N's POV*

I was running through the castle, seeing the place destroyed, guards dead on the ground. If it is him, he sure did a number on this place. I ran to the throne rooms door and I punched it, only denting it. I then kicked it as hard as I could and sent it flying off of it's hinges. I walked in and saw the person that I thought was the old Elemental Hero. The Elemental Heroes killer. I saw behind him was the Queen, on the ground. And Melty, surrounded by electricity.

Y/N: "Looking for me?"

???: "There you are. I was growing impatient!"

Queen/Melty: "Y/N!"

I began walking towards him. I might know who this is, if what anything Silva means anything. Then this could be C/N, from a different universe or timeline. Something like that.

Y/N: "Hello, C/N."

He then took his cloak off and looked at me. He looked like me, since he is a clone of me, except a lot older.

Y/N: "Fuck, you are old!"

Old C/N: "Let me guess, Silva?"

Y/N: "He didn't say anything about you. But with him telling me about another me was in this world before, it kinda hinted towards you. I just put the pieces together."

"Elemental Hero" (The Rising of the Shield Hero X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now