Elemental Village

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*Y/N's POV*

It was a day later after the whole trial situation. I was heading to the castle, because I heard the Queen had something to discuss with me. I made it in front of the castle and saw Melty standing there. Was she waiting for me?

Melty: "Y/N!"

She ran up to me and bowed. Why did she bow...? Oh well...

Y/N: "Hey. Came to get me or something?"

Melty: "Something like that. Where's Inori?"

Y/N: "Oh, I told her to go see Erhard since we aren't going to be here for long."

Melty: "Oh."


Y/N: "Shall we get going then?"

Melty: "R-Right!"

We made our way to the throne room, where the Queen was. I walked up to her, and Melty stood next to her mother, the Queen.

Queen: "Hello, L/N-sama. How are your injuries?"

Y/N: "Still extremely sore. I also can't really use any of the elements. Quite sad, if I say so myself."

Queen: "I see, I thought your recovery would be... quicker. You did wake up faster than expected after all. This means you won't be able to fight, correct?"

Y/N: "Well... I can still fight, just won't be the same."

Melty: "What do you mean?"

???: "Is there something you were hiding from me?"

I turned around and saw Ash and Silva...? 

Ash: "Y/N!"

Ash ran up to me and hugged me tightly, I grunted because it did hurt.

Y/N: "Please, not too tight... Still in pain..."

She let me go and looked down.

Ash: "Sorry..."

I smiled at her and pat her head.

Y/N: "It's good to see you again."

I saw Silva walk up to me.

Silva: "That was a sacrifice you pulled a few days ago, kid."

Y/N: "How do you know about that...?"

Silva: "I have my ways."

He said that before...

Silva: "Anyways, you can't use the elements, but you can still fight? Explain."

Y/N: "Back in my world, we are born with Quirks, powers. Well, not everyone, mostly everyone though. I was born with both of my parent's Quirks. My dad's is Elemental Control, which is what the Elemental Hero is known for. My other Quirk, is called Rewrite. I am able to Rewrite, aka enhance my abilities. Like, my strength, speed, or intelligence. But, there is a downside to it, I just don't know what exactly it is yet."

Queen: "Interesting."

Y/N: "My sister had Rewrite as her Quirk... She tried helping me with training it..."

Ash: "Akame..."

Silva: "Always surprising us, just like my old master..."

Queen: "It's also nice to see you, Wolf King."

Y/N: "You two know each other?"

Queen: "Yes, he wanted to meet the Elemental Hero before you."

Y/N: "Not surprised."

"Elemental Hero" (The Rising of the Shield Hero X Male Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora