Ch 10: I Wish He Was The Bad Boy

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Chapter 10 

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Chapter 10 

I Wish He Was the Bad Boy

After we all had finished eating, the four of us got kicked into the upstairs playroom so the adults could discuss things they didn't think us 'kids' should hear. Emmi was left to her own devices and had decided to watch Frozen in her room with my laptop for probably the hundredth time this month.Us teenagers all went our own ways. Adam and Andy played a video game on the TV, not speaking to one another. I sat in a bean bag chair and opened up a book. Brett had been on the opposite end of the room looking at our family photos. 

Just as I begin to meld away into my fantasy novel's world, I felt the presence of someone come sit next to me. I looked up from my book to see that it was Brett.  I frowned and picked up my book to continue reading, deciding the best course of action was to ignore him. He grabbed it out of my hands. "Hey!" I yell at him, extending my arm out to grab my book back. 

"Hi." He replied.  My forehead creased as I tried not to tackle him. He made me so irrationally angry. He knew just how to push my buttons and I hated that he knew how to do that even though he barely knew me.  "You know that's not what I meant!" I lean forward to try and grab my book, but he pulls back in his seat so it stays out of my reach. "What did you mean?" He asked wagging his stupid eyebrows.

"Give me back my book. That's what I mean." I reached out for it again, and this time he let me grab it. "Thank you." I exhale, now a little out of breath. I settle back into my bean bag, ready to ignore all three of them. If only Brett weren't here I'd be able to kick Adam and Andy out and just hang out in my room. I'd even watch Frozen with Emmi at this point.  I open my book and begin to re-read the first few lines. But Brett just continued to sit there. He was surprisingly quiet, but it wasn't him making noise that bothered me. It was his presence. I groaned, put down my book and snapped at him as I glare. "What?"

"Hmm... nothing." I can see a chuckle pushing through on his lips. I gave him a skeptical look.  "Well then, will you leave?"

"Jeez." He feigned his feelings being hurt, "No need to be so rude. Hope you're better behaved on our date." He winks. I close my eyes frustrated, knowing exactly now what he was up to. He was trying to cause drama. 

"What?" We both turned to see Andy, the source of the exclamation. He was standing now, with his game controller still in his hand. 

His brow was creased, his mouth slightly open. Despite his face showing annoyance, his stance suggested he was about to launch at us. 

I sigh, realizing this day was about to get a lot longer than it had originally started as. He had gotten up and was making his way across the room, in the background you can hear the car he was driving in his video game crash.  Adam looked at him confused, Andy was the competitive type and had never forfeited a game against his older brother a day in his life. Adam obviously hadn't heard Brett's comment. I wasn't entirely sure if he had even heard Andy yell. I swear that kid gets tunnel vision when he's competing.

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