Chapter 4: A Maximum Security Prison

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4. A Maximum Security Prison

I went right home after school because I was still grounded. My life was boring as fuck without my best friends. After sitting on the carpet in my room for a couple of minutes I decided to go downstairs and mingle with my family.

"I want to go to the park," Shane said as I entered the kitchen.

"Sorry mate, I'm quite busy," dad told him gently before turning his attention back to the numerous papers he had in his hands.

"I can take you," I offered, making them both realized I was present.

Dad looked up. "You're grounded remember?"

Of course he thinks I'm trying to get out of punishment. Well father, if that was the case then I guess I better not disappoint.

"Of course I remember dad," I said sweetly. "But you know what, I am willing to forgo an afternoon of my very reasonable and well deserved sentence to spend time with my angel of a brother."

"Sentence? This house isn't a maximum security prison Princess," he deadpanned.

I can argue that.

"Hey, I'm just trying to make a little boy happy," I said, placing both hands on my brother's shoulders. "Or is this what you do dad? Take the happiness out of kids' lives?"

"Be home by seven," mom jumped, waltzing into the kitchen.

"Khalan," dad groaned.

My mom smirked. "Do you really not want a little boy to be happy Shawn?"

I grinned as she winked at me. She was seriously the best. My father rose an eyebrow at me and I cleared my throat, going back to my previous serious expression.

"I just want to go to the park," Shane said in exasperation.

My dad looked at me in disbelief. "Six thirty. Be home by six thirty. And don't let him out of your sight."

"Pleasure negotiating with you Shawn," I smirked.

"Don't call me-" he began, but only sighed when he realized I was only pulling his legs. "Six thirty Princess."

"Come on Shaney," I smiled triumphantly.

My brother shrugged at our father and followed me. I gave mom a high five before we both left. I wasn't surprised he let me go though, once mom interfered he was bound to cave in. She really was his only weakness. Throw me in and we had him in the palms of our hands.

"I don't appreciate you using me as an excuse you know," Shane told me.

I shrugged, ruffling his hair. "Why else were you born?"


"Okay, keep close," I told Shane. "And remember, six thirty."

"Yeah yeah, tell me something new," he said before running off.

That boy was sassier than me sometimes.

I sat on the bench and took in deep breath before sipping the soda I got from a vendor nearby. I would have called Chase and told him to meet me here, but he was still annoyed with me. I was annoyed too, especially at him flaunting Jules to make me jealous. It sucked really, but I wasn't going to lower my pride before he did his. A soccer ball rolled towards me and I stopped it with my foot. I looked up and saw a guy jogging towards me. He was tall, with dark brown hair, and looked seriously familiar.

"This yours?" I asked him.

"Not mine," he said as he picked it up.

A little blonde girl ran towards him with a wide smile on her face.

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