ch 1: my story

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Hoseok's first few days of work weren't very talkative. He still barely had a clue of what kind of person Jungkook was. He did want to get to know him though, just to make work less awkward. He wanted to start a conversation, so he did. 

"Hey, uh- Jungkook. I noticed that this bakery is pretty new, why'd you open it?"

"Ah, it's a really long story. You have to know the other stuff to understand the recent stuff and the whole thing was a giant mess that lead up to me opening this place."

"Can I uh- hear the story. I don't mind if it's long."

"Okay, quick question before I start, d'you watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"This story has more twists than the halloween heist episodes."

"Oh my god, okay."

"Okay, so this whole thing starts over a decade ago. I'm in high school. I like this guy named Taehyung. This went on for about a year, and then Taehyung set me up with one of our best friends, named Jimin."

"Oh no."

"Oh no is right. Jimin clearly liked me a lot. I had no romantic interest in him, but I stayed with him because I didn't want Taehyung to feel like he failed at setting us up, and Jimin was my friend, and I didn't was his heart to be broken."

"Why are you just confidently admitting to being the bad guy in all this?"

"Trust me, worse people come around."

"Oh, okay then. Go on."

"Me and Jimin date for six years."

"This story just gets worse and worse."

"This is the first part."

"Really? This is only the beginning?"

"Yes, I told you it was a along story. So anyways, Jimin proposes, I say yes. We tell his parents and Taehyung. He thinks everything is good. But you know, this is my life, so of course things weren't all good. I had a dream one night that me and Taehyung were getting married, and he was murdered at the alter. I woke up and realized that I did not want to marry Jimin, I did not want to go through with this, and I would have much rather been with Taehyung. So I told him this."

"How'd he react?"

"Terribly. He kicked me out and killed Taehyung."

"Every time that I think that this can't get any worse, it gets worse."

"Story of my life, Hoseok. Get used to it. Jimin goes to prison, Taehyung is dead, I get a job at a toy store. That was when I met Namjoon. We didn't talk until four years later when I had mostly gotten over the whole Taehyung thing. We started dating. We dated for two years."


"Yes, dated. More on that later. Taehyung shows up out of nowhere saying that he had been buried alive and had been hiding for six full years, and had turned himself in. According to him, Jimin was going to therapy, and working on himself."

"Why didn't you tell me that he never died?!"

"It wouldn't be a surprise that way. Back to the story. Taehyung decides that after all these years,  now would be a great time to catch feelings for me. Then something happens that makes things worse for Taehyung. Namjoon proposes to me. I say yes. Taehyung the proceeds to confess his love to me, and try to make me choose him over Namjoon. Of course I say no, and tell him that he's crazy. And he also goes off for a bit to work on himself. He comes back around a month later, admits that he was being selfish, apologizes, and wishes me and Namjoon luck with our engagement, and soon to be marriage."

"Finally, something positive." 

"That doesn't last for long. Jimin comes back, does his round of apologies. Then Jin, Namjoon abusive ex-boyfriend moves next door to me and Namjoon, and he has a kid now. Jin has turned into a completely different person, and is actually really sweet now. He helps me with all the taste tests, but that's off topic. You ready for it to get even worse?"

"No, not really."

"Too bad. Namjoon cheats on me the day before the wedding with Jin's ex-husband, who he had only divorced six months before. Of course, I kick him out. Jin goes to pick him up, not knowing what he had done, and accidentally runs him over. Then Jin called me, apologizing for running over what he thought was still my fiancé. I explained the situation, and then he explained something else. Namjoon had also cheated on him when they were together. He had made Namjoon promise to not make the same mistake on me, because Jin was really rooting for us."

"Does it get worse?"

"Not for me, really. But for other people around me."

"Apparently, Jin is currently facing conflict with his ex, Yoongi, because Yoongi wants to visit his daughter but Jin won't let him because of how he treated her. Jimin's grandparents are being terrible people to him. Namjoon apparently just got out of a full body cast. And I don't know what's going on with Taehyung, but something seems off about him."

"So where does the bakery all come into this."

"I wanted to use it as a coping mechanism and a way to get my life together."

"Is it working?"

"Kind of, but not as well as I hoped."

"So uh- My friends of the past have told me that I give pretty good life advice and I'm really good and helping people resave their issues, and your life is pretty messed up, want me to help you fix it?"

"If you actually succeed at that, I'll give you a raise, but really, I think it's impossible."

"I don't think it's impossible. I already have a plan."

"It's literally been two seconds."

"I'm aware. Wanna hear the plan?"


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