"That sounds great, I'll call the guys right now and ask them where they want to go" Courtney said.

While Courtney was talking to Damien on the phone, Olivia got lost in her thoughts again. A night like tonight would be the perfect time for Shayne to propose. If only, she thought. Suddenly, an idea hit her like lightning. Why wait for him to propose, when she could ask him to marry her! It was absolutely perfect, he would never see it coming!

"Hey, earth to Olivia!" 

Olivia was jerked from her thoughts by Courtney waving her hand in front of her face. 

"What were you thinking about? You're smiling like a maniac! Frankly, you're scaring me a little" Courtney said.

"I'm going to propose to Shayne tonight" Olivia said. 

Courtney reeled back on her heels, clearly startled.

"You're doing what?! Where did this come from? I mean I think it's great, I just had no clue you even wanted to get married right now" Courtney said.

"I've been wanting him to propose for a while now but he has no idea, so why not ask him instead?" Olivia grinned clearly excited.

"You're absolutely right, take the bull by the horns, I'll help with whatever you need" Courtney said.

Courtney hugged her best friend, excited at the prospect of Olivia's impending engagement.

"Thank you, that means a lot, okay!" Olivia said clapping her hands together excitedly. 

"There's so much to do! We have to write my speech, get a ring, figure out when to pop the question....."  She began.

Olivia continued naming things, blissfully unaware that her "clueless" boyfriend was doing the exact same thing.

Shayne's Apartment

"Okay, I think I've finally got the plan all figured out, we're all going to be at the restaurant tonight so I'm going to do it then, I'm going to tape the ring to the inside of the cover of this vintage Count of Monte Cristo book that I got from an antique store, I'll pretend that's a gift I want to give her, she'll unwrap it, open it up, find the ring and bam, one knee and speech." Shayne finished looking at Damien for his response.

"That's an amazing proposal Shayne, she's going to go batshit crazy over it" Damien said.

"I hope so, I worked really hard on this, this is going to be a night we'll never forget" He said.

"Absolutely man" Damien checked his watch. 

"We better get going or we're going to be late for our reservation, I don't know why Olivia and Courtney insisted on going to this fancy-ass restaurant, any place that requires a suit jacket is too stuffy for me" Damien said.

"Hey don't complain, this 'fancy-ass restaurant' they chose is much better suited for my proposal than a regular place anyway" Shayne said.

"Yeah I know, but I guarantee the food isn't any better, pizza beats crab legs and caviar any day" Damien said with a disgusted look. 

Shayne laughed and put his arm around his best friend.

"Come on man, we gotta go" He said.

Time skip...

Olivia and Courtney got to the restaurant first so that they could make sure everything was set up as Olivia was a bundle of nerves.

"Let's run through everything one more time, we eat our meal and then I tell the waiter to bring dessert, he'll know that means it's time to bring to bring out a milkshake, which will have a tag that says 'pull me' on the outside attached to string that is tied to the baggie that has the ring in it, then he pulls the string, finds it, is shocked, cue me on one knee and speech" Olivia said reciting her plan from memory.

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