Ch.3: The Eleventh Floor

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All you seen was a dressing room, nothing unordinary other than a ghost painting of a magician on the wall. You noted the makeup and the cape they wore. You let a smile grace your lips imagining that even ghosts have their idols, you walked back out the door retracing your steps back to the stage room. Once there you opened the dark door in front of you, the loud swishing of a washing machine pulsed in your ears. You realized it was a laundry room. You checked to see if there were any doors but only found cleaning supplies and soap, so you walked back out.

You walked over to another table right in front of the stage, there was a menu propped on it, you reach for it only for it to be stuck to the table. You tried to pull it along with you only to feel it turn, slowly you walked around the table noticing the lights on the stage moving and once the lights reached the center stage you heard a loud giggle from around the room. You tried hard not to smile, it reminded you of the Mansion you once stayed at, and the pranks the residents pulled. You climbed on stage, not caring about the surroundings until you noticed the gleam of light on your eyes. With a gust of wind a golden ghost came up from the table with the menu, 

"Your a cleaver one! Try and catch me if you can!" It's laughter rang out through the room as it floated around.
As much as it hurt you to move more than you should, you jumped off the stage and flashed your light on him. He froze but once he got caught he tried to get away, even though you knew how tough they were, you still managed to catch him within a few minutes. You gave a loud sigh catching your breath, once you calmed down you heard a loud rumble in your stomach just then your nose began to pick up the scent of popcorn, candy, donuts and even fruit. You glanced around the room noticing the popcorn first.

You walked over to the counter, in the corner of the room, lifting up a hatch like counter and snatched a bag of popcorn, noticing it was surprisingly warm. You quickly shoved a handful in your mouth feeling the crisp texture along your tongue, the hint of butter and salt blessed your taste buds as you chewed up enough to swallow. After the bag of popcorn you noticed a pink stripped box of donuts, within seconds the creamy chocolate was on the sides of your mouth, the puffy pastry seemed to melt in your mouth and the chocolate glaze gave your mouth a tingly feeling, the scent of the dough filled your nose as you let out a small moan finishing the donut. You glanced around noticing a cup, you quickly grabbed it filling it to the brim with a fruity liquid from a blending machine. You noticed the sparkling mango, watermelon and apple right away. After you cleaned off the counter and your hands with napkins you felt a rumble in your throat within second you let out a satisfied burp, out of reflex you covered your mouth with the sleeve of your jacket,

"E-excuse me.." you knew you didn't have to say it but it was so natural for you to be polite in such a way, "Oh it's okay, you seem to be hungry, take your time." 

You froze at the feminine voice that made your ear drums pound, every thought ran through your head on what could happen. You turned around noticing three ghostly feminine figures sitting at the table across from you. You heard their soft giggles, "You really are adorable, look at your blushing face!" 

Another girl spoke, they all seemed to float up and toward you. You backed away holding onto your flashlight tightly, your hand barely touching the red button you so desperately wanted to push. The three girls were all the same from their blonde hair to their purple magician hats, tuxedos, capes and their white gloves and under shirts, even their purple bow ties seemed to gleam in the light as one leaned against the counter giving you a smile,

"Hi! I'm Nikki." The difference between her and the other two was her pony tailed hair,
"I'm Lindsay!" Her hair was in two long piggy tails.
"And I'm Ginny! Nice to finally meet you!" 

Her hair was in short wavier piggy tails. You gently placed your trash into a bin on the floor, watching their every move as you stepped from out behind the counter giving them a small wave and a shy smile. "I-I'm (y/n)... nice to meet you too.." 

Luigi's Mansion 3: Luigi x ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat