2. The Aftermath

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"Lana! Why in God's name would you skip school?" My mom was scolding me. After I had left, the school called my mother to notify I wasn't in any of my lessons after first period. My mom thankfully covered for me, telling them I had the stomach flu, and she just forgot to call. Because I never skipped a day of school in my life. "I'm sorry mom." Is all I said, looking at nothing in particular. My mind kept wandering back to this morning. This really weird morning. She sighed and muttered something along the lines of "I didn't raise you this way." Before she closed the door. I stared at the ceiling, trying to imagine that this morning went different. That the picture didn't exist. But of course it did exist. I wiped a tear away. I grabbed my phone and immediately saw I had tons of Facebook messages, snaps, and texts. Mostly from guys. And most of them said the same. "I heard you like fun". And some from girls, calling me a slut or a whore or whatnot. I looked at them, feeling defeated. I tried to call Donna for the millionth time. But to my dismay she still didn't pick up. Wondering who would do something like this I started thinking about the night of the party, I tried to remember something. Anything at all. But nothing. The only person who I could think of who would do something petty like that was Cheryl. But that would be too easy. Still, the more I started thinking about the idea that Cheryl was the one who took the picture the more it made sense.

"Mom! I'm going out for a bit!" I yelled as I stepped out of the house before she could stop me. I grabbed my bike and cycled to Cheryl's house. I needed to get to the bottom of this.

The morning following the incident I had a high fever. I thanked God, because now I didn't have to go to school. I felt dirty. I was dirty. Tears were still escaping my eyes. My mom knocked on my door and came into my room. I immediately hid under the blankets. "Are you feeling better, Sweety?" She asked me nicely. Concerned. Normally I'd be happy hearing her like that. But I didn't deserve it. Not anymore. "I'm fine mom. I just want to sleep." I answered weakly. Wanting her to leave. I felt her patting my shoulder over the blankets. She left my room. A small sob escaped my mouth. I didn't know what to do from here on out. Do I tell them? Do I keep this awful secret to myself?

I arrived at Cheryl's house and rang the doorbell, furiously. "Alright, alright! Where's the fire?! Jeez!" I could hear her say through the door. She opened the door and looked at me, a small smirk on her mouth. "Oh. It's you." She said, way too amused. "The jig is up Cheryl. I know it was you who made and spread that picture." I glared at her, my voice low, full of anger. "Oh honey, sweety, no. I mean, I wish, but no." She giggled. "But who knew you were such a skank with just a little bit of alcohol in you." She was looking at me, her eyes smaller, as she was enjoying this moment more and more. I contained my anger. "If it wasn't you, then who? Who did this Cheryl? I know you know it." I asked calmly. "Hmm. And tell me, why should I tell you something like that?" she was messing with me. She wanted me to feel miserable. To break down. "Because, you are a decent human being, and don't want girls to suffer like this?" I said sarcastically. "Yeah, no, that just doesn't sound like me. Anyways, you hooked up with my ex boyfriend, don't you think you kind of deserve it?" she said bitterly. "You said it right Cheryl. Your EX boyfriend. Emphasis on EX." I glared at her, as she glared back at me. I sighed. "If you want to be such a petty bitch, then whatever." I turned around and walked back to my bike. "You should probably go talk to that little friend of yours, I bet she knows more." Cheryl said amused before closing her door. I turned around but it was too late. My friend? Donna? She couldn't mean Donna right?

I could hear my phone buzzing. I want it to stop. I want everything to stop. The previous night kept replaying in my mind. I could see him push me down. I could see myself struggling. I could see myself not struggling enough. *  buzz buzz * I sat up. And grabbed my phone. It was him. I threw my phone across the room, causing a loud crash. It was definitely broken. I was shaking. My breathing becoming heavier and heavier. My mom entered my room without knocking. "MO-" "What happened?" she asked concerned. "Get out..." I said softly, still in shock.  She looked at the ground. At my broken phone. "Lana... what did you do-" "MOM GET OUT!" I screamed. Tears escaping my eyes. She came closer, trying to console me, trying to hug me. I struggled. My crying becoming louder. I didn't notice my mom had started crying too. She hugged my tightly. "What happened..." she cried softly. But I couldn't hear her over my own crying.

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