Chapter 14 Decision

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                                 Blur's POV
       It was around 2:34 when Tyler and me got back to the house from our fun filled day. We sat in the car a little longer to finish singing the song we were singing this time together. Which was My Oh My by Camilla Cabello ft. DaBaby; "They say he likes a good time," I sing
"My, oh my," Tyler sang back
"He comes alive at midnight,"
"Every night,"
"My mam doesn't trust him,"
"My, oh my,"
"He's only here for one thing, But,"
"so am I," we finished together.
       We both got out laughing looking at each over the roof of the car "you always know how to cheer me up," I tell Tyler, he smiles big at my words. "Just another great reason for you and me to get together," he told me with a wink I rolled my eyes at him, but I knew he was being series when he said that. "Hey Blur, your home," I hear Raphael say I turn around to see him in just basketball shorts.
       Raphael has a big smile on his face as he comes over to me hugging me; Raph had changed a lot over the past three years. He was thirteen now about to go into high school soon. He still had his shaggy brown hair and electric blue eyes, but he was taller now and a bit muscular. Raphael new about what I was doing her, and how I killed Gabe, his father out of blinded rage. But Raphael didn't blame me, he blamed our mother for being a blind idiot to Gabe. Raphael and Axel both also changed their last names to Grey, so they didn't share the same name as the murder of our brother.
"Hey Raph, where's Axel," I asked Raph thought for a moment "in the gym," he told me. "Go get him and meet me in my office. We need to discuss something," I tell him, Raphael Gabe me a worried smile "is it my grades," he asked. I laughed a bit at him "no just go do what I told you to," I tell Raphael, he nods his head then goes running off to get Axel. I sighed feeling like this is probably a bad idea, but then I felt Tyler place his hand on my shoulder reassuring me. "You're coming too," I warm Tyler, he gave me a million dollar smile "sure thing Boss," he said. I laughed at his words as we headed inside my house to go to my office.
Tyler and I walked into my office placing our stuff down next to my desk as we waited on my brothers. We weren't waiting long luckily for them; "need something," Axel asked walking in to my office with Raphael right behind me. I looked to Tyler, who nodded at me giving me a reassuring smile I take a deep breath then look at my brothers.
       "I saw our mother today," I tell them, Axel looked pissed now and Raphael's body went rigid. "What the whore want," Axel asked with so much hate in his voice that the devil would fear him. "She wants to meet up with us and apologize for all the wrong she has done," I state with no emotion on my face "yeah that list is to long. It take her an eternity to finish and just hearing her name makes me sick. So why would I want to be in the same room as her," Axel told us. "Why does she want to meet now," Raphael asked me, I sighed "apparently according to her. She has been clean for two years and is married to a guy with a kid," I tell them.
       "SHE HAD FOUR OTHER DAMN KIDS THOUGH! SO WHY IN HELL WOULD SHE HAVE ANOTHER ONE! WHEN SHE COULDN'T EVEN TAKE CARE OF THEM!" Axel boomed with anger "I agree Axel but it's been three years. Maybe we should let her talk at least," I tell him. "Why waste our time with her!" Raphael asked clearly upset now remembering everything she did wrong. "I know but the only reason I am considering it Raph, Axel. Is the fact we have a sibling," I tell them, their faces softened up. "If we don't like how it looks we can take our sibling. Stopping them from having the life we had," I tell them, Axel sighed not speaking.
        The room was silent as none of us spoke a word "I will go Blur, only to hear what she has to say," Raphael spoke his head hung low. "Axel," I ask looking at his back as he stared at the photos that hung on a wall. I knew which one he was staring at; he was staring at the last photo we took with Jacob together. "I'll go," said Axel making a move to leave he stopped though with door wide open. "But only because Jacob would have wanted us to," Axel added before leaving my office slamming the door shut.
       "I am gonna go to Max's house for a sleepover later," Raphael tells me more than asks "sure," I say knowing he go either way. Raphael then leaves my office; I sighed once the door was shut closed "that went well," I say. "At least gets didn't break anything," Tyler said looking on the bright side of this lovely talk that just happened. "Maybe not an object but he is still broke from all the years," I tell Tyler honestly "aren't you," Tyler asked me. I was silent; I knew I was still broken I knew it, but I didn't let it show to the best of my ability. I needed to be strong for my family that I have created here.
       I looked at the clock sighing "guess I better do some work till I have to leave with Will," I tell Tyler. Tyler gave me a frown "yeah," he said going to leave, but stopped "fuck it," said Tyler. I watched him come straight at me and before I knew it Tyler had pulled me up to where I was standing... kissing me! I was shocked trying to push Tyler off of me, but something in me told me not to. I gave into that feeling kissing Tyler back, when we pulled apart we left our foreheads leaned up against each other.
       "Oh My God!" we hear Ray shriek we look to see Luke and Ray, Ray fan girling over what he just saw. Luke standing there leaned against the door way smirking at the two of us. "Fucking New You Two Were Made For A Match In Heaven And Hell!" Ray shouted as I blushed at his words, I looked over at Tyler and saw he had light pink tint to his cheeks too. "Luke, Ray go on," said Tyler glaring at the two now as I laughed. "I told you," Ray said pointing at Luke "I know," said Luke laughing as they walk away.
       Tyler looked back at me staring intensely at me "see you later B.E.G.," said Tyler, I glared at that nickname. But he just chuckled and kissed the top of my head leaving the room. I sighed sitting back down in my office chair shocked at what just happened. But I wasn't shocked that Ray ruined our moment of course. But still Tyler and I kissed... "HOLY SHIT TYLER AND I KISSED!" I shout as I realize it completely now,

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2020 ⏰

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