"Now I do." He said when he saw the address she put in.

Mia shook her head and leaned back into her seat as Fred pulled into the busy road.

"So, the library," Fred asked on the way


He glanced at her with a quirked eyebrow waiting for more information.
"You're going there because you have to study?" He tired

Mia smiled as he not so subtly tried to get her to talk.

Fred frowned.
"Was that a yes?" He glanced at her to see her shrug and he smiled "You're going to make me ask."

Mia smiled and waited
"Ask what?"

Fred laughed.
"Who's this Harry?" He asked "A boyfriend?"

Mia grinned.
"Harry's a charmer." She didn't say anything about the boyfriend part "He's the sweetest man and I would do anything for him. He owns the library and I work there part-time."

"What about the firm?"

"Part-time as well." She said

"So, Harry." Fred pulled the attention back to the unknown man. He didn't want to know because of any other reason other than because he wanted to know more about her. She was interesting to talk to and with everything Josie had mentioned about her, he felt like he knew her. But nothing was better than hearing it right from Mia's lips. The sound of her voice, the expressions she made, everything was new and even the information she provided. He needed to get to know Mia. Not from anyone. From Mia herself.

"Yea." She said, "Right over there."

Fred followed the direction of her hand. He hadn't heard a single thing Alexa had said. He pulled up into a parking spot and got out of the car to help Mia out but she was out when he got to her side and she smiled at him.

"I'm a big girl."

He smiled.
"I know." He said "Habit."

She nodded.

"Mia." They both turned at the voice that called and found an old man at the entrance of the library.

"Hi." She said as she walked to him and hugged him with Fred right behind her.

"Thank you for helping me out again." The old man said, "Liza would have killed me if I didn't do as she told."

"Your wife needs to be gentler with you." Mia said

The man turned to Fred who had his eyes on both of them.
"Ah, who's the young handsome lad?"

"This is my friend Frederick." Mia said, "Fred, this is Harry." Mia grinned and he narrowed his gaze at her.

"Nice to meet you, Harry." Fred reached for the man's outstretched hand

"Well, it's sure nice to meet one of Mia's male friends." Harry said, "She's always had her head buried between the pages of a book or a case file."

Mia groaned
"Not always."

"Well, every time I see you." Harry tried to justify "I'm going to head off before Liza gets a hold of me."

"Alright." Mia kissed Harry's cheek.

"It was nice to meet you." Fred said

"Same here, son," Harry said before he left the two of them and got into the red Mercedes two cars behind Fred's.

They watched as he pulled into the road and drove off.

"Well, Harry sure looks like a nice boyfriend." Fred turned to her

Mia laughed
"I didn't say he was my boyfriend."

"You didn't say no either."

"Well, now you know." Mia said

"Now I do." He said looking down into her eyes. He watched as the smile fell from her face and became serious then panicked.

She looked away and at the library.
"I better get in there." She said, "People are going to leave without signing for the books."

He nodded.
"I'll see you around."

"Yeah." She said as she walked away.

He stood there as he watched her step into through the library doors without a backward glance. It took him a moment before he found the will power to turn around and head for his car.

Who is Mia Allen?
He thought as he got into his car.

Beautiful, Fun, Passionate, Hard worker during the day and Sexy, wild woman at night.

He wasn't sure which he liked better. She wasn't one without the other. Those different personalities where what made her special. He loved that she tried to balance out her day with her night and not too over the top with either. Whatever she did, she did to the best of her ability and he loved that about her.

Fred thought about this new woman he knew so much about yet it felt like he knew nothing.

Lingering KissOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora