Chapter 12- Two months later

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The sound of birds woke me and for the first time in months I felt happy. I no longer felt that numb pain after b/f died. I still missed her of course but somewhere inside of me I knew I had to move on. Nick and Rick had been trying to make me smile for two whole months and finally I was.

I had the urge to motivate myself and go to the beach so I grabbed my swimsuit and got ready. 

I wanted to call Nick and I knew he would be glad I was finally happy again so I texted him and asked if he would meet me at the beach. Without seeing his response I headed to the beach.

He was waiting for me. He was alone and when he saw me smile at him his face lit up. 

"Y/n! Hey! You're smiling! And out of the house! That's great bus!" He grinned and I stuck my tongue out at him playfully. 

"Wanna swim?" I asked him and his smile grew wider. "last one there has to open their mouth next time a wave comes!"

We took off and I threw off my shirt and shorts that I was wearing over my swimsuit. 

He beat me by ages but he volunteered to do my dare for me. 

"No way, savage not average right?" I said and he nodded. 

"True, true"

The water was so salty and I began coughing not a second after opening my mouth. "Eww!" I cried and Nick started laughing. 

"How was that hutter?" He asked me and I glared at him which made him laugh harder.

---------------------TIME SKIP----------------------

"So tell me y/n. What was it like when you were kidnapped?" Nick asked me once we were in the sand. I thought about it for a while. 

"I keep expecting you to forget about me..." I whispered and he looked at me with such kindness it made my heart melt. 

"I could never forget about you y/n you know I couldn't." He comforted. A tear rolled down my cheek and he wiped it with his jumper sleeve. "It's ok the merch will make it better."

I giggled softly and tried to stop crying. I had woken up happy and was determined to stay that way. "You really wouldn't forget me?" 

He knitted his brows and stared silently at me. "That would be impossible" he whispered and he hugged me. 

I knew it couldn't last but this one moment of safety with one of my closest friends was precious to me. He was warm and with the cool breeze blowing around us I wanted nothing more then for him to hold me forever.

"I was so upset when you were kidnapped. I was sure it was all my fault. All I wanted was to go back in time and take care if you to make sure you didn't get taken. Even One-hit couldn't cheer me up." I thought about what he had said and my cheeks pinked. 

"Well I was certain you wouldn't care about me..." I looked at the sand and became very interested in the way the sand ran through my fingers. 

"Of course I care y/n! Why wouldn't I? I... I think I love you."

'I think I love you.' At first I didn't understand what he was saying and then suddenly I realised. 

"I love you too! I've had a crush on you for ages!" I cried and hugged into him tighter. His eyes lit up. 

"You do? So you love me back?" 

I grinned, "that's what I said silly!" 

He hugged me harder and we started laughing. I pushed him to the side so he shoved me back. I went sprawling across the sand. 

"Nick!" I cried out and he picked me up, carried me over to the ocean... And dumped me in.

"Let's go get ice-cream!" I said, hearing the coins I had forgotten I had put in my bag, jangle. 

"Ok, but I want to pay for you." Nick said and I pouted. 

"It's ok, I've got my own money." I said and he raised his eyebrows at me. 

"I don't mean to brag but I have a bit more money then you. Two ice-creams won't make me go broke." He said and pulled out a few dollars. 

"Alright then" I sighed and smiled at how persistent he was.

-------------ANOTHER TIME SKIP-------------

"I love you" he whispered as we parted. 

"I love you too" I whispered back and he just hugged me for a moment. 

"You sure you don't want to come in?" I asked Nick and he shook his head. 

"No. Y/n, maybe you should try to help your parents by yourself." I nodded and he squeezed my hand. 

"Good luck."

But after 2 hours of talking to my parents I didn't seem to be having any luck at all.

Nick Ireland X reader- When I found himWhere stories live. Discover now