Chapter 7- Truth and torture

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I sat in the chair and tried to sink into the ground. Every muscle ached and my hair hung in a thick curtain around my face. 

I had only stopped for a minute back at the abandoned hospital because I found a pretty flower and wanted to give it to nick and confess my feelings for him. Instead I got smacked on the head with the barrel of a gun, when I tried to scream someone shoved a dirty sock into my mouth and whoever it was karate chopped me down to the floor. I had heard Nick screaming my name and the occasional yell from Ricky too.

I heard the footsteps and looked up at the figure walking towards me slowly. She stopped just in front of me and clicked on a light, "hello my dear friend. It's good to see you again." 

My jaw dropped and the little energy I had, left my body. 


My voice was strained but strong enough for her to hear me. 

"That's right y/n. Bet you didn't guess I would be the one who kidnapped you. After all, you got me questioned by police. Why would I want to bring more attention to myself?" 

Good question. Even she wasn't that dumb.  "Well are you going to tell me or am I going to die of boredom waiting for you?" I asked, I knew I was pushing it but I simply had to.

"Oh you will die y/n. But first how about you learn some patience? Yes? Ok then." I couldn't look at Scarlett without seeing Chloe's dead body in her crib. 

"Do you remember your 13th birthday y/n? Of course you do. That was the day your sister died." My poor baby sister... Dead because of me... 

"Do you remember the competition on that month? My mother told me if I didn't win she would beat me. Then you volunteered to be on the other team and suddenly we had no chance. I knew I had to break you somehow to stop you from competing. Poor trustful y/n thought I was really trying to be friends. You didn't even notice when I invited myself to your party."

This story was making me weaker. My hands were shaking. The cuffs she had somehow acquired were rattling as my whole body shook slightly. 

"I killed your little sister and no one suspected me except you. You were suspicious of me and that got me questioned by police. My mother beat me everyday for 6 months after that. Every day, of every week, of every month, for 6 months. You probably couldn't imagine how that would feel y/n. After all, you aren't a failure to your family. You don't have siblings to compete with. They beat me until I almost died one day. All because I wanted to win a competition to make my mother happy. The police have been on me ever since, I still have scars on me from my kitchen knives. And it's ALL YOUR FAULT!"

She rushed at me with her arms out, grasping for my throat. It was in that moment I knew there was nothing left for me in this world anymore. My friends will get over me, mum and dad are barely sane anymore, I have no cousins or aunt's or uncles. No siblings, no boyfriend. I was nothing. 

"Kill me" I rasped and hung my head down. "Just kill me." 

She smiled and stopped with her hands just before my neck. 

"You know... I will kill you. But I'll make it slow. I've always enjoyed hearing people scream." I thought of Nick screaming my name. Ricks cries to me, Ninja Nick desperately yelling for me. I didn't even know where I was but I was almost certain it was pretty hidden. They would never find me.

Scarlett grinned at me and clicked on a tv I hadn't even noticed was there. 

Suddenly Chloe's stared back at me and my jaw dropped.

Everytime Scarlett clicked a button it would change to a different picture of Chloe. Click, her laughing, click, her crying, click, her reaching out towards the camera. The tears flowed down my face and I tried to look down. Someone behind me grabbed me face and angled it so I could see the tv screen again. I couldn't bare it much longer. 

"Stop it!" I screamed with every last breath of energy I had left. Seconds later I passed out.

A few moments later I woke up again. 

I was so out of energy I was shaking and I could barely form a thought. Scarlett had turned off the tv and instead grabbed a baby from behind her. 


The baby looked just like Chloe. I tried to scream or cry but my voice got stuck in my throat. No, it wasn't Chloe. It was a reborn doll, one of those dolls that's so realistic it's creepy. 

It disgusted me that Scarlett would be twisted enough to buy one of those things, let alone to customise one to look like my poor Chloe. Maybe I was taking Chloe's death too harshly bit it was my fault she was dead. I finally let out a shrill scream and passed out again.
AN: Not my best chapter but I couldn't think of how else she was going to torture you. Soo there ya go. Enjoy ;)

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