Chapter 9- Betrayal and mistrust

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I sat in the chair in silence. The pictures of Chloe burned into my eyes. Flashing before my eyes just like they had on the tv. I heard the footsteps. Lighter this time, it was definitely someone different. By the sound of their footsteps they were limping.

I heard her breathe on my neck and something sharp suddenly stabbed into my arm.

I jerked my head up and looked directly into the wounded eyes of b/f.

B/f was working with Scarlett. 

My eyes filled with tears and I felt whatever she had shot into my arm spread through me. One arm began to get heavy. Then the other. My muscles were spasming and everything went limp. Even my jaw hung open. 

Scarlett came in with the reborn doll again and just the sight of it made me sick. She tucked it into the wheelchair and moved one of my hands so I was "holding" the "baby". Scarlett grinned.

"Now I've had an idea, dear y/n... And I don't think you'll like it."

She pulled out a camera and quickly filmed me sitting there. I didn't understand what she was doing or why she had made all my muscles just give up on me. I couldn't talk and I couldn't even death glare her. Dang... 

She talked over the recording, "I've been torturing your poor y/n and I want whoever watches this to see her in her last moments... She's just been through torture and you will too if you come looking for her. Say goodbye y/n." She turned to me and I desperately looked at the camera. I hoped whoever watches this could see I need help.

"Are you ready to watch her die?" Scarlett asked the camera and suddenly a man came up from behind me and held a knife up to my throat. 

Suddenly b/f yelled, "hot in this basement under the hospital isn't it?" She knew where we were and she knew how to help me. 

Scarlett clicked off the camera but the damage was done. "How DARE you!" She yelled and ran at b/f. Suddenly b/f was lying unconscious and I wanted to yell out or help her in any way. But I couldn't.

Scarlett disappeared and I guessed it was so she could place the camera. 

I sat in my wheelchair. In a few hours I had been happy, sad, terrified, angry, in extreme pain and now my whole body was just limp.  I looked over at b/f who was still unconscious. I felt a sort of pressure inside me and I felt that sense of being useless and unimportant again but 10 times worse this time. I tried really hard to move my arm just enough to get rid of the doll but this was some strong fluid stuff. I couldn't believe b/f would do that to me.

I needed to distract myself from this pain and instead tried to think of every little detail of Nick.

His eyes, his hair, his smile especially.

I remembered how he would open the door for me and comfort me and always listen to me no matter what mood I was in, his humor, his seemingly constant good mood. 

Then I thought of Ricky. His love towards his little brother, the way he wore his glasses on the back of his head, his knowing smile and humour.

I felt happy for about half a minute before I realised that they probably won't even come looking for me. Maybe at most they will call the cops but surely they wouldn't throw themself in danger for me. No one would do that for me.

My head suddenly flopped forward and it was harder to breathe. My chin was just in that little space between my collar bones and it really hurt.

I decided that I needed to stop feeling sorry for myself, that's so vain I thought as I sat in the chair. I knew there were people out there who had it worse than me and I had even dragged my best friend into this mess and now she was lying on hard stone floor, unconscious... And it was all my fault.

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