Chapter 11- Never forget me

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I felt the fluids that had caused all my muscles to go numb start or wear out of me. I could move one finger, then a hand, then my head. 

I flicked the reborn doll away from me with the back of my hand and I shuddered. What a disgusting thing. I just lay slumped in the wheelchair and closed my eyes. 

Not a moment later I heard footsteps coming down stairs behind me. They sounded like men's footsteps so I assumed I was about to die. 

"Y/N!" A familiar voice yelled and my jaw dropped open. 

No way. Surely it wasn't... Nicholas Ireland.

"Nick!" I called, my voice strained and my lungs burning. 

"Ricky get down here! Guys get down here!" Nick yelled and he hurried over to me. 

"Oh my god, Nick" I said and tears ran out of my eyes. 

"Hey it's ok, it's going to be ok." He whispered and knelt down next to the wheelchair. "Can you walk?" The relief that clearly showed on his face darkened a little. 

"I- I think so..." I tried to stand and fell forward a little. 

"We'll do it together" he said and from the corner of the room a deep voice boomed. 

"No, I don't think you will."

Ricky ran down the steps and saw Nick and I looking at the corner. Two other guys I didn't know followed him and suddenly we were all standing in a little squad. A man emerged from the shadowed corner, holding b/f by the neck. 

"If you run, she dies." He said and smirked at me. 

"B/F!" I yelled and tried to struggle over to her. Nick held my arm tightly and I punched his fingers until my hands hurt. 

"B/f!" I yelled again. "We can't let B/f die! Please!"

One of the two guys I didn't know whispered something and they got a determined expression. They whispered their plan to Ricky who nodded. 

"Grab y/n and get out of here." Rick ordered and I screamed with as much strength as I could muster in this state. I pounded on his chest as he tried to pull me away from b/f. 

"No! Stop it Nick! Let me die! Help b/f! Stop!" I yelled but he just picked me up and carried me up the stairs as fast as he can. 

"Never forget me!" B/f screamed and tears blinded me.

I beat at Nick's arms and sobbed like a crazy woman. "B/F!" 

Suddenly a scream and a loud crack echoed from downstairs and I couldn't breathe. 

My best friend had just died because of me. 

Just like my sister had. I heard Rick and the two other guys yell and begin running up the stairs after us.

Nick ran all the way to Rick's car with me in his arms. It wasn't until we got there that he noticed I wasn't breathing. 

"Y/N! Y/N! I'm sorry! Breathe! It's ok, you're ok!" He hugged me to his chest and the tears poured down my face. I took a breath and he exhaled in relief. 

"I'm so sorry y/n." He told me as he stroked my hair. I leaned against him. The Ireland Boys were all I had left. 

-------------------TIME SKIP-----------------------

"I'm Sam and this is Colby." The blonde haired guy I didn't know, said and pointed at the other guy.

Colby gave me a comforting smile and I nodded back at them. I felt just as numb and useless as when I was in that basement. Now we were sitting at my house. It was a safe place to talk because mum was always upstairs in bed with terrible headaches and dad would just walk around the house, giving vacant smiles at everyone, occasionally watering the inside plants.

Chloe's death had really shaken them.

Ricky tried to make a few jokes but they were just words to me. I didn't laugh, didn't talk, was barely even aware of the people around me. 

Nick sat with his arm around my back and I leaned into him. He was comforting but the half hug didn't mean much to me. All I could think of was all the times b/f had made me smile and laugh, the good times we had together and every two seconds there was the memory of that cry and sudden snap of her bones. I wasn't even crying anymore. I was too numb and emotionless. 

After Chloe died b/f was all I had and she had just been killed because of me. I thought of that doll that had looked so much like Chloe it was crazy. I sniffled once and continued looking into the distance while my companions talked.

Nick Ireland X reader- When I found himWhere stories live. Discover now