"No, you are going to the hospital," Flash says and I blanch.

"If I take you with me, will you not say a word?" I ask.

Flash seems to think for a moment and then nods.

"Let me call my uncle to pick me and you up after this period, he can sign me out as well as you," I say and Flash seems confused.

"I thought your uncle was dead?" Flash asks and I nod.

"Yeah, he died three years ago or nine years ago depending on the blip," I say and this causes Flash to frown even more.

"I don't understand," He says and I laugh.

"I have a new adoptive family with four sisters, six aunts, one brother, two moms, one dad, and fourteen uncles," I list off after thinking for a while.

"Damn, that's a lot of family," Flash says and I laugh.

"Not the puny orphan anymore huh?" I ask and Flash sobers up.

"Peter, I'm really sorry about that. I was going through my own stuff and I put it on you," Flash says and I frown.

"What could have possibly caused you to beat me every day and verbally abuse me?" I ask and the blood leaking out of me was forgotten.

"While both your parents and uncle died, mine are still here," Flash says and I frown.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"My parents are sitting in a hospital room with tubes and wires are attached to them, keeping them 'alive'. I guess I was jealous of you, you knew your parents were dead and didn't have any hope of them coming back, mine are still breathing but they will never come back from that," Flash says and I sigh.

"I understand, I really do. My dad, well. He had an accident and was put on life support, we had to decide to turn it off or not. I know what it's like to have them right in front of you but unable to have them be alive," I say and Flash nods.

We seemed to have come to an understanding. We had shitty lives at times and Flash didn't know how to deal with it so he took it out on me.

"Class is almost over, you still want to come over to make sure I get patched up?" I ask and Flash nods.

"I can't let you bleed out," Flash says and I smile.

Spiderbaby: Uncle Hap, can you come pick me and a friend up right now? I'm leaking through the bandages and friend is threatening to tell the teachers so he needs to come with me

Happy: Sure thing sport, you shouldn't have gone to school today if you weren't healing

Spiderbaby: I know, sorry

Happy: I'll be there in five minutes

"He's on his way," I say and two seconds later.....

"Mr. Thomson, Mr. Parker, please come to the front of the office and bring all of your stuff," The PA announces and the whole class turns to us.

Usually, when we are both called into the office, we had both been fighting with each other. Well, more like Flash was bullying me and I just took it.

I quickly scramble and put my binder in front of my stomach to hide the ever-increasing size of the bloodstain. Supremely, Flash moves his body so the blood is blocked even more. We soon get the stuff out of our lockers and end up in the front office.

"Now this is an odd sight, both Thomson and Parker in the same room without any squabbling," Mary, the school secretary says and I smile.

"Well, Flash has changed," I say and leave it at that.

Peter Parker One-shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें