It's Been Far Too Long (Caster!Gilgamesh x Enkidu)

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It's Been Far Too Long

"There is nothing I have to say to Enkidu. As I am now, bearing his death, I became the king of men that rules over Uruk. I do not have the freedom to speak to him. That was lost the moment I sat upon the throne.

The Wise King of Uruk was lost in his thoughts, as the Caster form of Gilgamesh sighed very deeply. He wandered around the halls of Chaldea, with the look of a confident, charismatic man. But yet, under this facade, he was quite overworked. That Babylonia Singularity had destroyed part of his ego, considering the fact that Ishtar had been on the side of Chaldea by Gilgamesh giving away part of his large treasury to keep her pleased. But, there was something more than just Ishtar seemingly 'taking' part of his large treasury, and the whole Demonic Front had given him more than just a few worries. There was one worry: one worry that had consumed his mind, and had torn apart the psyche of the Wise King of Uruk. He remembered it plainly now, even if that Singularity was quite hazy when it came to his memory. He could not remember much, and was only given information about the restored Singularity when it came from the riddles of the Grand Caster, the Magus of Flowers, and resident of the Tower of Avalon, Merlin. His riddles had confounded the Wise King for a little bit, but now there was something that was confounding him even more.

That thing- no, the person that was confounding the mind of the Wise King was his old friend, Enkidu. Whenever the two encountered one another, they would stay dead silent as their eyes met. The green or grey-colored eyes of the divine construct would meet the vibrant eyes of the Uruk King. The two would merely exchange long, confused yet cold stares at one another. The King of Uruk would see the eyes of the feminine-like divine construct begin to widen their eyes in this sense of nostalgia between the two. Then, they would simply walk away from one another. When this Wise King of Uruk saw the construct that he called a friend- a molding piece of clay that had been his friends for many years- a pain had been stricken within his heart. It felt painful for the Wise King, but he kept himself busy with more work from the Master of Chaldea. He had no need for Enkidu as of now since the two were always so separate. They never ate near the same tables anymore, just like those glorious days where they struck beasts down for the sake of Uruk's protection. They never had that glorious fight like they once had, where the two had fought one another for three days, which both fighters were equal in their strength. But now, the two felt so separate that the other servants in Chaldea had noticed their recent stand-offish behavior. Then again, their time during the Babylon Singularity with that fake Enkidu made the Wise King wary of the one that roamed the halls of Chaldea. Again, his memory was quite hazy about the specific details of their encounter during the Singularity, but he mostly had ignored those events that occurred before he was summoned. Even though there was a cold distance between the divine construct and the Wise King of Uruk, the two were found beginning to talk to one another once more. Laughter, soft chuckles, and even a few snores could be heard from the two. It seems as if that separation was becoming smaller and smaller.

But yet, the Wise King and the divine construct felt something for one another: whenever they met now, their hearts would begin to go into a rapid pace, with the Wise King almost fainting. However, there was always Enkidu, that handsome, stunning, perfect divine construct that would carry him back. The Archer-version of Gilgamesh had noticed this behavior as well, but he kept his thoughts to himself. After all, the Archer Gilgamesh and the Caster Gilgamesh never really spoke to one another, due to the wiser of the two denouncing their younger self as a filthy, reckless, and disgusting savage of a ruler. The Archer-version would respond with a mere grumble in anger- since the Wise King was correct. However, Caster Gilgamesh still had more thoughts than containing his other self in check. This heart that was racing within his was consuming his mind whenever he was with Enkidu. With each passing step, this heartbeat began to grow louder and louder before it stopped whenever he went away from Enkidu. For as much as sassy, prideful, and sarcastic that the Wise King of Uruk was, the Wise King still had some sense of happiness to him. He had to speak to someone about this feeling, this feeling that had burned within his chest. Soon, he found himself sitting next to the Pharaoh Ozymandias, and Iskandar the Conqueror over a cup of tea. The three men were having a chat, with their boisterous laughs echoing throughout the Chaldea dining hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2020 ⏰

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