🌒Fumikagoa Tokayami: Fears🌒

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Quirk: Nightmare Cast

*You can read and cast nightmares.


Tokayami nuzzles your face as you lean into his chest. Both of you were cuddling on the couch watching anime(your choice, comment down below!!!) He yawns, you could clearly see that he was extremely tired. He had bags underneath his eyes. He was slowly dozing off, nodding his head. Fighting the idea itself.

"Hey, you should rest." You say, concerned.

"But I promised I'd watch your favorite anime with you." He remarks.

He did promise you but, you couldn't accept these terms. He'd just come home from a parole that had lasted all day. You were practically tormenting him by not allowing him to rest. His shadow also appeared to be very exhausted. You huffed and pouted.

"Toka-kun, go to sleep, now." You demanded.

"Y/N, a promise is a promise."

"Sometimes, a promise must be broken. Especially if it means sleep."

You help him stand and walk over to your bed. He lays down slowly. As soon as you pulled the blankets over him, he had fallen asleep. You smile and poke his cheek. He groans and pushes your hand away. You placed a hand on his forehead and entered his dream.

Tokayami was on a balcony, talking to his shadow. Why did he look so.... Pained? You listened in on the conversation.

"Dark shadow, do you think she's going to be okay?"

Just then, the dream turned red. You had suddenly appeared in front of Tokayami who seemed to be crying. Behind you was Mr. Compress, holding you by the neck, pulling you into a dark portal.

"Don't!! Please!!! She's all I have!!" Toka-kun pleads.

You try and reach for him but everything goes black. You open your eyes in fear and shiver. Toka-kun was awake, looking into your eyes.

"You saw my dream?"

You nod breathlessly.

He sighs and pulls you close to him on the bed, kissing every part of you.

"Now you know my greatest fear.... Losing you."


(Sorry the chapter is so small, was kinda lazy!!!)

Next: Mashiro Oijiro

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