Chapter 2

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Cassia stood front of her classroom board. She was about to go into her next class and its one she dreaded the most. It's the one with the school's nastiest person. Samantha Long. She hated Cassia with a passion and made sure everyone hated her as well.

Cassia didn't know what she did to piss Samantha off. But ever since they met in kindergarten Samantha has hated Cassia's guts. Made every one of her classmates make fun of her. To pick on her. To pull pranks on her. 

But Cassia had one solace. Her best friend, Hannah. The two hit it off when they met at age four. Becoming the greatest of friends. Inseparable. 

But Hannah wasn't in this next class with Cassia, so she was all alone with Samantha and her goons. So out she headed to class. 

"Look who it is. The Ice Princess herself." Samantha sneered. Cassia just ignored her and went to her seat. "What ice froze your mouth?" Samantha headed over to her, grabbing her hair and yanking it back. "When I speak to you, you look at me!" She growled at her.

Cassia yelped and tried to get her hair freed. Samantha shoved the dark-haired girl away. "Waste of fucking air." She sneered walking away as the teacher walked inside the classroom. Cassia rubbed the back of her head to sooth the sting from her hair being yanked.

She sighed, sitting at her desk and kept her head down. She felt eyes on her as class started. She shyly looked around, but no one in the classroom. So, she looked out the window, since her desk was beside the window of the classroom. She saw a man standing out there, walking the grounds.

She knew guards walked the ground for the student's safety and all, but she hadn't seen this guy before, and he wasn't in a security uniform. But seeing security just walk past him, she figured he was proven as no danger.

Cassia watched as the guy stopped walking, then turned to look at her direction. but she could feel his eyes on her. She couldn't explain it but, she could feel his eyes on her. And she shockingly didn't feel uncomfortable or scared by it. She actually felt... comforted about it.

She looked away and felt her cheeks heat up. But when she felt the feeling go away, she looked up and saw he was gone. She found herself feeling sad about that.


After class, Cassia was gathering her things and putting it in her messenger bag. She yelped in pain when a bag roughly hit her in the back of the head as the owner walked past her. "Ops forgot you were there." One of Samantha's goons, Rachel said. 

There was laughter from the class. Cassia glared at the ground as she rubbed the back of her head to easy the sting. Her fist clenched for a moment before she took a few deep breaths and got up.

She was going to be leaving soon. But she wanted to go to the library before she left for work. So, leaving the classroom, she made her way to the school's library. She felt a arm wrap around her shoulder, she looked up and smiled softly seeing Hannah.

"Hey hun. How was class?" Hannah asked, to which Cassia gave her friend a glare. She held a hand up in surrender. "Understandable." She said nodding.

"What are you going to look for?" Hannah asked as they entered the library. Cassia shrugged. "I need new reading material. So, I will take anything that sounds interesting." She told her best friend.

Hannah frowned knowing that Cassia would read at night to keep herself awake. The two have spent the night at each other's homes before. Hannah knew Cassia hardly let herself sleep. And like her parents, Hannah was worried about Cassia's mental state.


Cassia was wiping down the counter of the Starbucks she worked at. They just finished the busy shift, and she was going to go on her break soon. So, she clocked out and sat down with her food that she Door Dashed. 

She quickly ate her food, and then watched a video on her phone, leaning on her hand to hold her head up. 

She closed her eyes and yawned. She rubbed her eyes, and when she looked around, she felt something was wrong.

It was quiet. No hiss of the steamer, or the grounding sound of the bean grinder. No talking. Nothing was making a sound.

"Hello My Little Princess." A voice said making her freeze.

Claimed By A Fae King *Yandere*Where stories live. Discover now