Chapter 3

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Cassia froze hearing the familiar voice. She then started shaking in fear. She fell asleep. That was obvious by now. A hand grabbed the back of her neck. She didn't have to look to see who it really was.

"My dear little princess. Always so naughty. Not visiting me. I get so lonely." He purred into her ear. She yelped as she was thrown back by the neck to the ground. She grunted as she landed back into his dreaded castle.

She looked around him and saw the bastard sitting on his throne. She had learned he was a king of some sort. Cassia glared at him as she stood. 

She took deep breaths to keep her fear down. 

He smiled a twisted and smug smile. He knew he terrified her. He loved that he terrified her. He can use that fear to make her obedient when he finally had her in his grasp, and not just in the dream world.

He stood, and made his way to her, making here take steps back until she had nowhere else to be as her back hit the wall. He gripped her chin to make her look up at him in the eye. She shook under his gaze, even though she glared hatefully at him.

Soon she will be begging for him to touch her. To hold her. To kiss her. To fuck her. 

Soon, his queen will demand his affection.

Cassia squeezed her eyes shut tightly as she was trying to wake herself up. 

"Leave me alone! I hate you!" She told him as she was unable to move. "I will bring you home soon. I swear. Then I will claim you, body and soul. I can't wait to hear your cries as I thrust myself into you." He growled into her ear lustfully.

She blushed deeply and tried to hit him but couldn't. She knew that she wouldn't. He was to strong for her to even hurt if she was even able to land a hit on him.

She yelped feeling a sting on her face. She looked around as she saw she was back at work. She was safe, and that bastard was nowhere to be found. Her face stung and she reached up to touch her cheek.

She saw that her coworkers were around her looking at her worriedly.

"You just crumbled, and we couldn't wake you up, and you started screaming." Her manager said, and soon helped her sit up, as the ambulance came over to her. "I'm ok. I don't need an ambulance." Cassia told them softly waving them away.

"Please Cassia? Just let them look you over, in case you hit your head." Her manager said. She sighed but went to go sit to allow them to look her over. She was given a bill of health and left her there at work.

Her manager came over and placed a cup of her favorite minty hot mocha but didn't put the extra shot into it, but only put half of a shot, and rubbed her back as she did so. 

"Cassia. I think you need to go home. Get some rest. You just passed out and need to go relax." Her manager told her. "Take a week and relax." She continued. Cassia looked at her and shook her head. "Lisa. I'm ok. I really am. I'm sorry about earlier. Please don't send me home." Cassia begged.

Lisa frowned and rubbed her back more.

"I already contacted your parents. They both are on the way so they can get your car. Please go relax." Lisa told her again, before leaving to go back to work.

Cassia's eyes filled with tears. She knew that she wasn't in trouble, or even fired. But she hated that this bastard has ruined her life. She didn't even know why or when it started. It was always like this, ever since she could even remember.


"Cassia? Do you want to talk about it?" Her mother, Meghan asked her daughter as they drove home. Cassia laid her head against her arm that was against the window. "Nothing to talk about." Cassia mumbled. 

Meghan sighed. 

"They called the ambulance Cass. Of course, something happened." She just wanted to help her daughter. What mother wouldn't?

"Mom. I fell out of my chair when I fell asleep. That's it." Cassia said. Meghan sighed again. She just wanted her daughter to sleep. It's like Nancy in Nightmare on Elm Street. 

They will need to call the doctor again.

She needed help.

Claimed By A Fae King *Yandere*Where stories live. Discover now