Chapter 5

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When Cassia looked around her. She wasn't in the same rooms she normally would be in. She was in a steamy room. She could see fire around to light the place. The steam was moist in the air. She could hear water around her. 

"Hello dear pet." HIS voice called to her through the steam. She could feel the wet heat on her skin. It made her skin feel gross and sticky. She tensed up as she felt here feet start moving. She stopped in front of a in ground bath. 

Steam coming from the water, inside was... Cassia looked away, her face red in embarrassment. That monster was in the bath completely naked! His deep chuckle reached her ears. She took a deep breath before looking at him.

She felt a hand in her own. She took a quick glance down, but didn't see the hand, but the peace she felt feeling it, made her realize that it was Thomas holding her hand in the real world still. 

Rhagnar was sitting there, splayed out without a care in the world. He lazily played with the water. He let out a deep sigh. "These baths get so lonely. Why don't you come and join me. You can wash my back, and I'll wash all your sensitive spots." He grinned slowly at her.

A predatory glint in his golden eyes. 

"I'm not going to be your plaything. I'm going to kill you." She told him holding her head high, her fist clenched. He looked her over and started laughing. "Oh, you silly little girl. How do you plan on doing that precious thing?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"I... I don't know. I just know that I will kill you and be done with the torment. I refuse to be your entertainment any longer. I want my life back." She said. Not like she had much to begin with, as he has been haunting her dreams as far back as she could remember. 

He stood without warning. Her green eyes widened, and she once more looked away embarrassed. So innocent and pure. Just as he liked her. He got out of the bath and padded his way to her. 

He grabbed her chin and made her look at him in the eye. 

Gold clashed with emerald. 

"You are mine Cassia. I own you. You will become my bride. I will claim you oh so soon. You will warm my cock with that pure body of yours. Bare my heirs. My sweet little Cassia." His thumb brushed her soft bottom lip. 

Feeling Thomas still holding her hand, she felt confidence, and bit down on his thumb. She bit down as hard as she could. She felt his blood fill her mouth. But instead of hearing him make any sound of pain. Instead, all she heard was him moan. 

"Oh, little one. You think you can hurt me? Oh no. You are just turning me on with this." To prove his point, he wrapped his other arm around her waist and pulled her in to press against him. She could feel how... her bite affected him. She released him and started hitting him.

Trying to get out of his grip. She wanted to wake up!

She had no more bravery left in her! "Thomas! Wake me up!" She cried out struggling still.

Rhagnar tensed up hearing her call out another man's name. He grabbed Cassia by the throat and held her in the air. She choked and sputtered as she tried to get not only air, but free from his grasp.

"What did you say?" He growled as veins appeared around his eyes as his golden eyes turned entirely black in his jealous filled rage. She continued to struggle to breathe. Rhagnar yelled out in pain as he was flung away, dropping Cassia. This woke her up with a gasp. 

She looked around her as the doctor looked at her worriedly. She looked beside her and saw Thomas was still there and looking at him, brought Cassia extreme peace.

"Oh God. Cassia!" Her parents rushed in and hugged her once she was untied. She hugged them back. 


She was told that she stared choking, and trying to breathe, but nothing was constricting her air ways. Her mother demanded they wake her up, but the adrenaline wasn't working. So, she knew that Thomas had heard her somehow and woke her up. 

Her mother asked her who Thomas was, as she apparently called out to him in the real world in her sleep before she started choking. 

Cassia just shrugged and said that it must've been someone in the dream.


That night, Cassia stayed in her bed reading a book when a knock on her window took her out of the world the book offered her. The sound made her jump, and looked over seeing Thomas there, opening the window.

He smiled at her in greeting before letting himself inside her bedroom.

"I told you I would protect you. I'm sorry I was a little late." He told her. She looked at him. "First off. Tell me exactly who you are and what you know. I need to know everything." She ordered. Thomas sighed and sat down on the bed at her feet.

"Ok. I'll tell you what I know."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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